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latest version of dreamweaver extension.. is .. where?

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    latest version of dreamweaver extension.. is .. where?


    can anyone direct me to the latest version of DW actinic assistant extension?

    the one on Macromedia is 1.0.6 and looking at the extension manager it tells me I already have 1.0.8 .. and switching that one on in DW8 doesn't appear to be bringing up the actinic icons .. unless (and it's always likely) that I have missed something


    Have you unticked the "compact html" box under Designs | Options | Misc - you need it off for the comment tags to appear in DW - but turn back on before uploading

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      duh .. I was looking at Act_Primary.html .. not the preview! vapour-brain

      all .. is revealed.

      is 1.0.8 latest version or is there a whizzy version 3 that has (like brains, clearly) passed me by?

      when is developer v8 coming out (as hinted at a year ago ..!) so we don't have to use such a daft method of customisation?


        mmm .. something still not right here.

        when I open the preview page DW8 merrily corrects (?) a huge pile of unclosed tags.... this is the first thing.

        I can see the Actinic icons all over the place in DW8 .. but if I click on them, the property inspector is not showing the properties.

        something else I have missed or is there a problem with them in DW8 not working with the extension like MX2004 did ?

        this will make customising actinic that much more of a pain .. anyone else having this problem?


          Hi there

          We haven't received our Development copies of Studio 8 yet so haven't had a chance to test this. It does sound like the plug-in doesn't work with Studio 8 at the moment. We'll get it fixed as soon as we can.


            thanks Chris .. that would be great.


