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Template flexibility (Quick Buy)

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    Template flexibility (Quick Buy)


    I am considering using Actinic V7 Developer to deploy a set of web stores but I have a question.

    Although each store will have a unique look-and-feel centered around the catalog and shopping cart concept, each site is also going to be unique in that we want to be able to offer quickbuys. A quickbuy will be a 1- or 2-page set that presents a single product (sku) with marketing-speak and has the ability to capture all the info necessary to place an order for a single instance of the product into the order pipeline. These pages are meant to elicit an impulse buy.

    All other elements of order processing will remain the same but the idea is to have the ability to deploy massive sets of these quickbuys to promote individual products.

    Would this concept be easy to implement in Actinic, or is something like this already developed?

    Thanks in advance.


    Just trying to work out exactly what you are trying to acheive .... are you trying to have one product which contains and group of other items (eg full cutlery set comprising knives, forks, spoons) so the buyer just adds the one products "cutlery set" to the cart and then goes to check out as usual?

    If so then yes, you can create a new product items called "cutlery set" and add the other products in as a component and set the number of each items to be added in to the set eg: 10 knives, 10 forks and 6 spoons etc but the user only buys the 1 actual item (sku : cutlery set)

    You can change the template layout for these impulse buys so they don't look like standard products and help encourage the impulse buys you are after.

    Hope that is what you are trying to do - if not apologies for misunderstanding the question

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Simpler than that...


      It is even simpler than that.

      I want to replace the page flow (or something close to this)...
      Page: Product page for sku X (doesn't matter what X is)
      Button: Add to cart
      Page: Verify info
      Button: Proceed to checkout
      Page: Enter name
      Button: Submit
      Page: Enter billing
      Button: Submit
      Page: Enter shipping
      Button: Submit
      Page: Verify order
      Button: Submit

      Page: Landing page showing product X with room to enter name, billing, shipping, etc.
      Button: Submit

      This compresses the cart and checkout process to 1 or at most 2 screens.



        With the quantity in cart method Actinic can work:

        add to cart.....

        confirm and continue....

        select destination....

        enter invoice address (*) .....

        enter payment details.....

        confirmation receipt page

        (*) different shipping address to invoice in switchable at select destination stage and adds another page after the invoice page for the delivery address to be entered

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Additional info...


          I think I understand. I do have a question about usage...

          Is the function that you mentioned something that would be called by a script that I wrote that processed the form fields? If so, this would imply that the Actinic cart has a full API that I can use in creating whatever page templates I want. Is this the case? If so, I am golden and need nothing else. I can just present my form(s) and write a script to receive the form info and pass the information to the "order creation" api call.

          What am I missing ;-)?



            Continued Here :

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

