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?Custom properties - have I got this right?

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    ?Custom properties - have I got this right?

    In an earlier thread - one comment made about my site was that it would be really useful to have an age range specified for each product (searcheable if possible). I've had a bit of a roll on adding more products (something I can do now, almost without a hitch) and I think I need to address the age range issue sooner rather than later so that people have more to go on and so that I'm not storing up a lot of data input for later.

    I think I've figured out that this is done using custom properties and so far have been into Advanced / Custom Properties and added a new property called AGERANGE (as text).

    Then into Design options / Site Defaults - I've added the new property AGERANGE and specified the value as "Age:" - not sure if this is right. Have marked it as searcheable.

    I've also tried the properties tab within the product - again added property AGERANGE and specified the value of 7+?

    I'm using the "Help" menu which then tells me to add a code in the product layout template - PANIC PANIC - last time I did that things went badly wrong. I've taken a copy of the Act_ProductLine.html (just in case) but just wanted to see if I was on the right track.

    Do I just then need to put:


    anywhere in the product layout template?

    Does the property need to be in all of these places? Will this make it a seaercheable field (in the same way that you can currently search on price)? Or have I got it all wrong - am I looking at entirely the wrong thing?

    Thank you again.


    Unless you have an image file for every age range and specify the name of the image file as the value of the property and click file name and ...

    If all you need is the text content of the Customvar, you just need to put CUSTOMVAR:AGERANGE in the template, where you want the data to show, [perhaps like this]
    Code from Act_ProductLine.html
    	<b>Suitable for age: CUSTOMVAR:AGERANGE</b><br>
          <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:DISCOUNTINFO </span>
          <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:OTHERINFOPROMPT </span>
          <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:DATEPROMPT </span>
    Last edited by wjcampbe; 19-Sep-2005, 11:00 PM. Reason: turn off smileys
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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      Thank you Bill - I'll give that a try - wish me luck!!


        Thank you Bill - it works & will make things a lot easier for customers.

        Now I just have to go and find all of the age details and key them in. That should keep me busy for quite a while.

        Bye for now.


