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gaps again...

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    gaps again...

    Hi all, i'm trying to get rid of the elusive 5-10px gaps between the left hand section navigation...

    Each navigation item appears to be wrapped by a table ! I need to get rid of this initially anyway, and then work on the gap afterwards.

    Where is the code that creates tha table?

    Heres a snippet of the code that appears...

    <TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD WIDTH="100%" valign="top">
    <span class="leftmenu"><A HREF="Basic_Products.html">Basic Products</A> </span> </TD>

    <TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD WIDTH="100%" valign="top">
    <span class="leftmenu"><A HREF="Products_With_Choices.html">Products with a Range of Options</A> </span> </TD>

    I've highlighted the table sections.. I know the text links are controlled initially by act_sectlinesmalltext.html , but what is wrapping each section in that damn table?

    bump bump bump


      Add in the border attribute to see the table outline - it may be the standard line-height padding causing the gaps in which case you can modify the leftmenu.class in the CSS to reduce the padding / line-heights

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        cheers ..theres nothing i can see in the CSS that would cause the gaps (the leftmenu was just one that i added myself for colours etc), and i've checked the main actinic.css and can see no obvious padding or cellspacing, nor is there any in the layout.

        I've read about this problem numerous times before.. there must be something thats causing that gap..

        I have noticed that there are two gaps inbetween here...

        <TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD WIDTH="100%" valign="top">
        <span class="leftmenu"><A HREF="Basic_Products.html">Basic Products</A> </span> </TD>

        that i believe may be contributing to it somehow, which is why i need to find the wrapping table code for the section links.. but where is it ?


          Hello Adi,

          Check out this thread which will show you how to remove the section navigation links from tables.

          Hope this helps.



            Thanks for that... very helpful.

            I managed to get the effect i wanted ( a simple border and coloured background on the nav buttons) by adding a class to the table, rather than the cells as i was doing originally..

            Removing the tables (as im sure youre aware) caused problems...

            I hate actinic.. a simle job of removing a gap turns into a two day search for hidden code... crap.
            if i didnt have to use it i wouldnt, but hey..


              Originally posted by adi
              I managed to get the effect i wanted ( a simple border and coloured background on the nav buttons) by adding a class to the table, rather than the cells as i was doing originally..
              Stripping out the Actinic stuff in favour of CSS is they way forward if - as you say - you are prepared to put the time in and pull your hair out. Just spent 7 days creating a new Act_Primary to get the css nav links and other bits to work when Actinic adds in its stuff under IE and Mozilla. Fun.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                I know this isnt really the place to slate actinic, but it does amaze me how it's structured. Maybe theres a reason for making it so oddly put together and tricky to customise (probably economic). This wouldnt be so bad but the stock layouts really suck, they NEED customising in order to bring them up to date.

                I have to use it this time, but i think i'll stick to open source in the future if possible.

