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Show Product price next to a Thumbnail

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    Show Product price next to a Thumbnail

    I have set up pages with thumbnails allowing a much speedier load, however I would like to show the product price and short description below the product.

    I can achieve this by inputing the price in the descrition field however this does mean remembering to change the product price and the price I put in the descrition field.

    Any ideas how this can be done.????


    Can you post a link to the site so that I can see what you mean? If you just want the regular products to display the Price and Name ( short Description ) under the Product Image, you will need amend the ProductLine template Act_ProductLine.html..

    Look for NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE ... You will find it in this line ..

    You will have to look a couple lines below for the PRODUCTNAME

    <a name="NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR"><span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span></a>

    Cut and Paste this within the </td> tag

    A Few Lines further you will find the Price information ..

    Insert this bit too within the trailing </td> tag. You might want to add a break <br> between both bits of code else the price and Name would appear on the same line. Save and preview the change in Actinic. Please make sure to make a backup of the file before editing.

    Hope this helps,
    Bruce King


      Thumbnails &amp; Prices

      Thank you tried that but it did not come out as desired at all ....

      As my new design site has not been uploaded yet I have put a link to a screen image of what I need to do. I hope this helps.
      If you look at the 3 litre cylinder on the top left picture. This is the desired effect I am trying to do showing text and price.

      Currently I insert the information into the section details "DESCRIPTION" field to show the 'special offer' and 'price', this is not the best way to do it.
      Somehow I need Actinic to take the price from the "PRICE" field and insert it automatically. Thanks.


        Hi There,

        Thanks for the image. I am afraid at the present juncture, actinic will not be able to Dynamically take the Price froma product to display on a section link, you are doing it the only way possible right now.

        Have you had a look at the Advanced Users Guide and the notes there on Sections Links? Check pages 23, 24 and 25... The Advanced Users Guide can be downloaded here ..

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

