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Referral linking error

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    Referral linking error


    I seem to be having trouble with the referral linking system. I've been through the forums and although along a similar path to needing referral help, I haven't found any threads that deal with the issue I am running into.

    When entering as the link to our companies website, the page for some reason causes an error. The error being

    As you can see, our websites address shows up twice. If you visit the first link, you'll notice that most of the pages links are as like the second I posted, however there are a few that are unaffected by this for some reason. I've tried manipulating the referral link several ways but have come up empty handed.

    Even google adwords is now telling me that the link has been Disapproved stating that the "Landing Page Must be a Functioning Website ". Even though the page loads.. there are only a few links that work because of this error.

    If the referral link worked properly, it would simply load but for some reason the solution continues to elude me.

    I appreciate any guidance on this matter. Thanks.

    For some reason it looks like your calling link is referencing a server path as opposed to web accessible folders, i.e. I can see htdocs in the path for the link, which is a server path and not a web path.

    What this means is:

    Your server provides you with something along the lines of the following (give or take as they pretty much all differ and you are on windows I think):


    The '/' is the root of your web space, i.e. the highest you can go for storing of your files. Anything in this area is not accessible to the www public.


    This is normally on Windows where the public www files would reside, i..e the server will be set up to server pages for your domain starting from this /htdocs folder, so shows the content of /htdocs, with being a server path of /htdocs/acatalog and so on...

    Now... accessing /htdocs directly is not accessible to the www public, as it is in the / 'root' folder with the public path starting from this folder and not including it.... if you think of all folders directly connected to the / root folder as being inaccessible for referencing in links, then you will see how it works...

    So, I would say that you have included somehow the server path with htdocs in your URL where this is not accessible, so removing that element should solve that problem...

    Bit confusing, but hope it helps.


      Thanks for the reply Support@Techno-.

      I hadn't realized the issue regarding the htdocs so I took care of that. As for our web address showing up twice, it looks like there was an error in the baseurl code line and so I was able to address that issue. Your help is much appreciated.

