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    As a new user I need what may be basic advice. I am trying to load a security logo to appear in the 'LEFT BAR TEXT' field via Design/Options/Site Defaults. The file is saved in Site 1 but whatever I try it only ever displays the address in text form rather than the actual content of the file.

    You will need to add this into the template as opposed into the text area, as placing the filename in there will not show, as it will not be surrounded by the <img src="... stuff, although you could try adding this into the custom property value...

    <img src="the-image-filename.gif">

    Then ensure that the options to the right of the value is set to enabled for:

    Use as CUSTOMVAR (Business and above version)

    Once added, then go into Advanced | Additional Files and add the file as an instruction to Actinic that it needs to include this file, as it will not know from the img src instruction in the value...

    If it simply shows the code when you preview, then use

    !!<<img src="the-image-filename.gif">>!! which instructs Actinic to entepret as HTML etc etc...

    Barring all of that, other way is to add the same code as at the top to the actual template itself in the position you wish it to appear.

    Hope that helps.

