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Layout help.

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    Layout help.

    I'm building a site and I'm having a problem getting the layout i need. If you look at the attached file you'll see at the top of the products in the blue fade area there is a main product [Extra virgin olive oil]. What I need to do is have a main product from each section at the top of the page.

    Also it there a way to have the sections listed on the contact and chouckout pages if you click on the contact page you'll see the list of sections disappear.

    to see what i have done so far click here
    Attached Files

    When you say 'a main product' do you mean the first product in the catalog tree? If so, all you have to do is create a unique product template for that product that has the appropriate layout and styling. This will have to be selected by whoever is doing the product entry as I don't think there's any automatic way of assigning a different product template to the first product.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike, I think I'm nearly there now, I created a seperate product template for the top product. Now I just need to get the section name in the right place. If you look on the Oil's & Balsmatic vinegar's page you'll see where I need the section name to go. I've tried putting NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME but it just dispalys 'NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME' on the page.

      Could you tell me how I'd get the section name where I need it.



        It looks as if SECTIONNAME only works in a limited number of templates (although Actinic appears to have though of creating NQVs for the next and previous section names).

        Try using SECTIONTEXT. This is supposed to be the descriptive text for the section but you could make it say the right thing if needed.


        And maybe Actinic will add some THIS_SECTION NQVs to the wish list.

        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          using SECTIONTEXT doesn't work...If there is no other way to get the section name to display in the top product template then I might have to create a seperate template for each top product and hard code the section name. It seems a bit of arse about face way of doing things though.

          Thanks for you help.



            I've taken a look and it appears as if these NQVs can't be used at this level.

            Rather than hand code the templates for each section you could either:

            a) create a product template that just displays the text content as the section name. Then place it as the second product in the catalog tree.


            b) add a custom property to your first product template that displays the section name at the bottom of that product.

            Of the two, the first is easier to do. The second is a bit more complicated to set up but might be easier to manage.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              I was thinking of doing b) but I don't know how to make the custom property get the section name? The 'Section name here' on the Oil's & Balsmatic vinegar's is on the top product template.

              If you could expain to me how to create a custom propery that display the section name or point me in the right direction that would be great.



                OK. This is from memory so it might not be 100% complete. I'm sure the full answer is probably somewhere on this site.

                1. Go to advanced > Custom properties.

                Click the '+' button to create a new property. Give it a name (e.g. "thissectionname" or something). Click the next column and a drop down menu will appear. Select 'text'.

                2. In the product template, place 'CUSTOMVAR:thissectionname' where you want the text to appear. Save and close.

                3. Open the product at the top of the catalog tree and go to the 'properties' tag. Click the '+' sign to add a new property and select 'thissectionanme'. In the next column type "Oil's and balsamic Vinegars" (for example). Tick the 'use as customvar' box and 'is searchable' if you want it searchable.

                That should be it.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  That's done it...Thanks for all your help


