Sorry but it doesn't work !
On the primary template I have
<!--// beginning of Javascript script
function popUp(url) {, 'newwindow',
// end of script -->
On the productline template I have <A HREF="javascript
I have create 2 custom properties - POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT and add the vlaues on the section level.
So I think the best now is to use 5 or 6 different productline template, and for each I will give a specific pop up size.
So my question is : how can I give a spceific pop up size to the different prodcut line template ?
Tank you
On the primary template I have
<!--// beginning of Javascript script
function popUp(url) {, 'newwindow',
// end of script -->
On the productline template I have <A HREF="javascript

I have create 2 custom properties - POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT and add the vlaues on the section level.
So I think the best now is to use 5 or 6 different productline template, and for each I will give a specific pop up size.
So my question is : how can I give a spceific pop up size to the different prodcut line template ?
Tank you