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Size of pop up

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    Sorry but it doesn't work !
    On the primary template I have
    <!--// beginning of Javascript script
    function popUp(url) {, 'newwindow',
    // end of script -->
    On the productline template I have <A HREF="javascriptopUp('CUSTOMVAR:URL')">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE</A>
    I have create 2 custom properties - POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT and add the vlaues on the section level.
    So I think the best now is to use 5 or 6 different productline template, and for each I will give a specific pop up size.
    So my question is : how can I give a spceific pop up size to the different prodcut line template ?
    Tank you
    Saint Malo. France



      This works for me. Can you confirm that you have included:

      <script language="JavaScript">

      at the beginning of the script in the primary template (you don't show this in your posting above).

      how can I give a spceific pop up size to the different prodcut line template ?
      I don't think this can be done as the height and width are specified in the javascript function that goes in between the <head> tags in the primary template. So the width and height can only be specifed for a particular page, not individual product on a page (unless there is a javascript expert out there who can think of a way around this). Version 7 of our software has popups built in to each product where you can specify the width and height for individual products.


        Yes I have add <script language="JavaScript"> first. You can check on my website :
        In a first time Bruce from Actinic told me to try :
        "From the changes you made to the template, this bit of code ('CUSTOMVAR:URL',500,400) , determines the size of the additional pop-up window. "
        After Cdicken tell me :
        "If it is, try:
        These vars bring in width and height of the image in the pop-up window and should work."

        All this people are from Actinic support, so I thought they are right ? And now you told me that it is not possible. I don't understand ?
        Saint Malo. France


          Sorry Duguest - this thread has become very very confusing, both for you, and for the people who are trying to give you support. I think you are trying to do one thing, and Tracey thinks you are trying to do something else.

          From what I understand, you would like the pop-up windows to open automatically the same size as the image they contain. Is that correct?


            Yes I think so. It's what I wanted first, but as Tracey told me that it was impossible to get what I wanted, so we tried to get a solution to specify for each product the size of the pop up. And it doesn't work.
            So what I would like to get is :
            If it is possible to get the pop-up windows opening automatically at the same size as the image they contain it would be marvellous.
            If it is not possible I would like to create 5 or 6 differents Act_ProductLine. For each one, indicate a specific size of pop up, and use these Act_ProductLine depending of the product.
            I upload the act_primary and Act_ProductLine to check.
            Sorry but the problem can come from my bad english !
            Attached Files
            Saint Malo. France



              OK, I've spoken with Chris and he didn't realise that you were using v5. He apologises for the confusion with this. We've now found a workaround that will allow you to put in custom properties for to have a different popup window size for each product.

              I would suggest restoring the templates that you have changed to their original state (Act_Primary.html and Act_ProductLine.html) and do the following:

              - open Windows Explorer and browse to 'c:\program files\actinic ecommerce v5\sites\site1' and open 'actiniccore.js' in notepad.
              - copy the following into the very top of this file (ie so it is the first line):

              var bPageIsLoaded = false;

              - copy the following into the bottom of the actiniccore.js file:

              * ShowPopUp		-	creates pop up window
              * Input: sUrl		-	URL o page to display
              *			nWidth	-	Width of window
              *			nHeight	-	Height of window
              * Returns:				nothing
              function ShowPopUp(sUrl, nWidth, nHeight)
     , 'ActPopup', 'width=' + nWidth + ',height=' + nHeight + ',scrollbars, 
              	if (!bPageIsLoaded)
              - In your Act_ProductLine.html template replace NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE with:


              - Save and close this file and add your POPHEIGHT and POPWIDTH custom properties into the 'properties' tab of the product and specify their values.

              Note that if you have a product that doesn't require a popup then you would need to use a different productline template that doesn't have the '<a href....' around NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE, otherwise you will get a javascript error when clicking on the image.


                Ok it works, but it is surprising : if I use your code on actiniccore.js file, I cannot get my menu so I have modify the code to :
                function ShowPopUp(sUrl, nWidth, nHeight)
                {, 'ActPopup', 'width=' + nWidth + ',height=' + nHeight + ',scrollbars, resizable');

                But now I have to enter the specifications for more then 1000 products : is there a simple and rapide way to get this faster ?
                Perhaps another possibility : as I have all the photos of product in the same section with the same size, I have create 10 differents act_productline with different width and height (the code for the pop up is the one given on the AUG but without any value ie :
                function popUp(url) {, 'newwindow',

                I have used these act_productline for the section and it doesn't work correctly. For example on my website at this adress : the pop up size in the code is 550 * 50 (we can verify on the window) . And the real size when it opens is a full screen pop up !!! Can you explain me why ? Where the software take this pop up size ???
                Thank you again
                Saint Malo. France



                  But now I have to enter the specifications for more then 1000 products : is there a simple and rapide way to get this faster ?
                  I'm afraid not. Even if you upgraded to v7 you would have to enter the sizes for the pop-up windows for each individual product if they are different to the default size.

                  I have used these act_productline for the section and it doesn't work correctly
                  If you use the code as above and change CUSTOMVAR:POPWIDTH and CUSTOMVAR:POPHEIGHT for the actual size values, then it should work.


                    With this new way I don't need to specify the POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT.
                    In fact I use the function proposed on the AUG : function popUp(url). On the function I don't specify the width and the height. And on the act_productline I specify this information. As all the images are the same size on the section, I have to specify only one size for the first product and "use the parent" for the other. For example for the page I have : 550 * 50 .
                    On the window when the mouse is over the image I have : javascriptopUp('Q721_zoom.jpg',550,50). So it seems to be correct. And the pop up opened is bigger than 550 * 50. Can you explain me why ?
                    Thank you
                    Saint Malo. France


                      View the source of the online page. Look in the <head> section. See this:
                      <script language="JavaScript">
                      <!--// beginning of Javascript script
                      function popUp(url) {
            , 'newwindow',
                      // end of script -->
                      You will see that the CUSTOMVAR values for width and height are NOT working. They are not being substituted in the HTML.

                      Please look in the 'Properties' tab of the 'Ronnie O'Sullivan' section. Are the custom properties set up correctly? Is 'POPWIDTH' set to '550' and 'POPHEIGHT' set to '50'? Do you have a 'Use as CUSTOMVAR' field? Is it ticked?

                      Also, the link in your template just needs to be
                      You don't need to specify the width and height of the window in the code you put into the products. This is ONLY handled at the section level, with POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT.


                        Ok I agree with all this. I have difficulties to explain exactly my problem, my english is not good enough.
                        If I used the function ShowPopUp(sUrl, nWidth, nHeight), I will have to enter POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT for more than 1500 products. TraceyG answered me that there is no way to do the job quickly.
                        So I think that the best thing to do for me is to use the function popUp(url) defined in the AUG. As all the product image in a section have the same size (for example all images for 'Ronnie O'Sullivan' cues are 550 * 50.
                        So I would like to create for each section a default size and use this for all the product on the section with the choice "use the parent". For example for the section 'Ronnie O'Sullivan' I would like to set width at 550 and height at 50, and use this information for all the cues on this section.
                        As I have 20 differents sections it would be easy to do.
                        How can I do this ?
                        Thank you
                        Saint Malo. France


                          In the content tree, click on the 'Ronnie O' Sullivan' section.

                          Go to the 'Properties' tab (you may need to click 'Advanced')

                          Click the '+' at the top left of the grid.

                          In the 'Property' drop down, select 'POPWIDTH'

                          In 'Value' enter '550'

                          If you have the 'Use as CUSTOMVAR' field, you need to select this.

                          Now do the same for 'POPHEIGHT'


                            I think that probably my explanation are not good. I will not use the function ShowPopUp with POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT as it will be too long to enter all the information.
                            I will used the function popUp(url) defined in the AUG, on which there is not POPWIDTH and POPHEIGHT !
                            So I would like to define a value for the first product in a section, and I think that with the choice "use the parent" this value will be applied to all the others product in the section. So I will have to enter only one value per section, for my 20 sections, instead of 1500 value if I used function ShowPopUp .
                            Saint Malo. France


                              Attached pdf offers an alternative method of pre sized pop ups.

                              I last used this code in V5, so there is no support with it. I hope the pdf is accurate - you may have to fine tune.

                              it can be seen working at

                              Pdf is now attached.....
                              Attached Files


                                Please see attached image, which shows what I am referring to.
                                Attached Files

