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6.0.2 to 6.1.2 Upgrade Issues

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    6.0.2 to 6.1.2 Upgrade Issues


    I have just upgraded my Actinic Business from v6. to v6.1.2.DDVA. When the site upgrader detects that I have updated files manually, I select "'Yes' to open the site upgrader to deal with these files now."

    The upgrader gets to 55% in upgrading and then just shuts down. If I run Actinic, the same process occurs with exactly the same result.

    If I select No when prompted, I loose all of my manual changes (just over 45 htmls).

    Any help on this would be appreciated.



    Sometimes, the SiteUpgrader simply cannot process the changes made to a design, and just gets stuck.

    Assuming you have a snapshot of your 602 site, I suggest clicking 'No' on the Site Upgrader in order for the SiteUpgrader to at least complete.

    Then you can open up your 602 snapshot in Winzip and extract the just the templates you have customised into a temporary folder. Make sure you only get the files that are going into 'CATALOG_SITE'. What I do now is open each file, add a line break and then close them and save them. This, at least, changes the date stamp on them. When you have done this, copy the files into your 'Site1' folder.

    There were no life or death template changes made in 610 so the old templates should still work. Make sure you are using the latest Perl Scripts (*.pl and *.pm) and you should be OK.


      Hi Chris

      I have tried this but with littlle succsess. I have tried also remove 612 and reinstall 602. This worked, but when I tried import the 602 snapshot, I lost all the external files, my java applet no longer works and most of the modifications made with Dreamweaver have been corrupted.

      Back to square one and re-build.

      Might I suggest that a warning about the upgrader and potential for such issues to arise be posted on the downloads page.



        I lost all the external files

        Any files that were stored outside the 'Site1' folder will be in a folder called 'NOT_CATALOG'. You will just have to copy them to the original locations on your PC.

        my java applet no longer works

        Make sure you have refreshed your store when you upload (Web | Refresh Website) and this will re-upload all Java files and Perl.

        most of the modifications made with Dreamweaver have been corrupted.

        I have sometimes had difficulties when my designs have been based on a custom theme - but all your custom templates should all be in the snapshot. Try extracting the entire snapshot to a temporary folder with Winzip and copy the Act_*.html files from the 'CATALOG_SITE' folder into your 'Site1' folder.

        If you think you are going to have to start from scratch then you should start with 6.1.2 as this has a lot of useful new features and fixes.

        I'm sorry about the difficulties you have had upgrading. The SiteUpgrader is normally very reliable. Sometimes, however, due to the nature of the design it cannot cope and you are required to re-apply your changes. This is relatively rare - you have just been very unfortunate.

        I would really appreciate it if you could send me your 6.0.2 snapshot so we can use it to help us improve the SiteUpgrader in the future. Please send it to

