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Different price drop down?!

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    Different price drop down?!

    Evening all,

    computer memory - same speed, different size modules = different price.
    I'd like to show a single product description with selection options (I'd prefer a drop down, but that's just me) so the customer can choose whether they want 128, 256 or 512.
    But the price has to be shown against each option as no-one will choose an option if they can't see the price.
    Currently I have individual items shown which is only going to get worse as I add more products, which means scrolling down about 4 pages in the current format, hence I'm looking for help.

    Ok, it's probably been answered elsewhere but I've been browsing the site/KB/AUG all day and still can't find out how to do it
    Can someone put me out of my misery please? My dear wife suggested a one way trip to the vets but I thought that was a bit strong - I'll shorten her chain in future.

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    Stop...........................................Carry on!

    you will have to put the price in the description of the item in the drop down box, and then also put the price in the component box to ensure it gets charged


      hallo Jo,

      shall try that now and report back.

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        back again
        Right, seemed too complex to make the drop down work, so I've just gone for the seperate order line option!
        The page in question is !!<>!!
        (hope the above link works, ages since I played with this!) and the first item on the page, PC133 Memory.
        The only issue is that it's not carrying the price through to the checkout?
        As an aside, I'd also like to move the choices and the products closer together and up - Can you let me know where the line breaks are?
        The big pain in the rear I see at the moment is updating the price (memory prices are up and down like a brass's draws) as I'll have to change the text on each component

        thanks again
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        Stop...........................................Carry on!



          The only issue is that it's not carrying the price through to the checkout?

          Go to the 'Components' tab of the product and ensure the pricing model is set to 'Sum of Product and Component Prices' . This should get the price carried through.

          As an aside, I'd also like to move the choices and the products closer together and up - Can you let me know where the line breaks are?

          Bit tricky this one. Open up Act_VariantCheckBox.html and replace




