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View Basket and Search on non-Actinic pages

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    View Basket and Search on non-Actinic pages

    Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere - I have looked but can't find any reference.

    I have a site that has about a dozen pages, then another set of pages that are the Actinic shopping pages. I would like to add "view basket" and "search" facilities to about half of the non-Actinic pages. The search will be a proper Actinic search, I just don't want to have to tell the customer to go to an Actinic page before being able to do the search. Can I do that or does every page that has that kind of facility have to be an Actinic page?
    I don't know how the brochure pages work so if that is the answer I might need a few hints to make that process a litle easier.

    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Nik

    You can find the workaround to View the cart/add to cart from any site on the net to an Actinic site, in our Advanced User Guide for V7. If you do not have this document, you can download it from here.
    You will need to download the Word version, as it will be easier to copy across codes to your templates.
    The workaround for the above can be found on Pg 45.

    To insert a quick search facility, you will need to copy the generated code from one of the Actinic site pages and include it in the non-Actinic HTML pages.

    Hope this helps.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck

