Whenever we download the orders from the server we get the message below and have to manually accept the payment, which is why we may also be having problems with quickbooks not displaying the orders.
"The payment service provider authorisation downloaded for order no had an invalid signature."
We have to then click ignore and manually adjust the order.
I have been advised by actinic that they can proces a test purchase and download, we can download orders from paypal ect but not Protx, this issue has been outstanding for 3 months therefore we would apreiate your help.
I have already followed the instructions from Protx as seen below.
Hi there Alex,
I hope the below information may be of some help to you. As I say, it's pretty difficult for us to troubleshoot Actinic because all we provide for all our 'VSP Form' shopping baskets is:
Vendor name
Encrtyption password
Actinic secret key (in the case of Actinic only)
The theory being of course that if these 3 values are entered correctly then all should work. Section C was the part I mentioned when talking about modifying your Actinic settings and saving with an increment of 1.
The email is as follows:
Incomplete information submitted. The VendorTxCode field may be missing or you may have used an incorrect encryption password
This error means exactly what is states, either you are not passing a transaction ID or you are using a wrong encryption password. It is more likely to be a wrong encryption password.
Your account is listed as using the Actinic shopping cart. You will need to makes sure that you have got all your Protx account details / passwords in the correct places within your Actinic shopping cart settings.
NB: upgrading your Actinic resets all the passwords you may have entered previously.
You need to make sure that you are using the correct vendorname and passwords in the correct place.
1. Protx VSP Vendorname:
- Entered into your Actinic business settings as 'MerchantID')
2. Protx Actinic Secret Key:
Entered into your Actinic business settings as secret key & confirm key (Only)
3. Protx Encryption password:
Entered into the OCCprotxScriptTemplate.pl file within your Actinic Directory (only)OccUpgrade/CommonOCC/OCCprotxScriptTemplate.pl )
a.) Open OCCProtxScriptTemplate.pl in a text editor (like notepad. Do not use Word or
similar editor that adds formatting when files are saved).
Look for the lines:
# PROTX VPS Specific constants here
my $sPassword = 'testvendor';
my $sConfirmationEMail = '*****';
...and enter your user specific 'encryption' password in the $sPassword field replacing testvendor.
**If you wish to receive e-mails from protx when a transaction is completed, cancelled,
not authorised etc. then enter your e-mail address in the $sConfirmationEMail field.
If you don't want them, leave it blank.
Save the file and close it.
Then save the file.
b.) Increase the version number within the OCCUpgrade.ini, file located at the root of the OCCUpgrade folder.
At the top of the file are the lines that look like this:
Increment the Number by 1 and save the file. Close the editor.
c.) Open up your Actinic again and it should mentioned that a change has been made to your PSP.
Best of,
Protx Support
"The payment service provider authorisation downloaded for order no had an invalid signature."
We have to then click ignore and manually adjust the order.
I have been advised by actinic that they can proces a test purchase and download, we can download orders from paypal ect but not Protx, this issue has been outstanding for 3 months therefore we would apreiate your help.
I have already followed the instructions from Protx as seen below.
Hi there Alex,
I hope the below information may be of some help to you. As I say, it's pretty difficult for us to troubleshoot Actinic because all we provide for all our 'VSP Form' shopping baskets is:
Vendor name
Encrtyption password
Actinic secret key (in the case of Actinic only)
The theory being of course that if these 3 values are entered correctly then all should work. Section C was the part I mentioned when talking about modifying your Actinic settings and saving with an increment of 1.
The email is as follows:
Incomplete information submitted. The VendorTxCode field may be missing or you may have used an incorrect encryption password
This error means exactly what is states, either you are not passing a transaction ID or you are using a wrong encryption password. It is more likely to be a wrong encryption password.
Your account is listed as using the Actinic shopping cart. You will need to makes sure that you have got all your Protx account details / passwords in the correct places within your Actinic shopping cart settings.
NB: upgrading your Actinic resets all the passwords you may have entered previously.
You need to make sure that you are using the correct vendorname and passwords in the correct place.
1. Protx VSP Vendorname:
- Entered into your Actinic business settings as 'MerchantID')
2. Protx Actinic Secret Key:
Entered into your Actinic business settings as secret key & confirm key (Only)
3. Protx Encryption password:
Entered into the OCCprotxScriptTemplate.pl file within your Actinic Directory (only)OccUpgrade/CommonOCC/OCCprotxScriptTemplate.pl )
a.) Open OCCProtxScriptTemplate.pl in a text editor (like notepad. Do not use Word or
similar editor that adds formatting when files are saved).
Look for the lines:
# PROTX VPS Specific constants here
my $sPassword = 'testvendor';
my $sConfirmationEMail = '*****';
...and enter your user specific 'encryption' password in the $sPassword field replacing testvendor.
**If you wish to receive e-mails from protx when a transaction is completed, cancelled,
not authorised etc. then enter your e-mail address in the $sConfirmationEMail field.
If you don't want them, leave it blank.
Save the file and close it.
Then save the file.
b.) Increase the version number within the OCCUpgrade.ini, file located at the root of the OCCUpgrade folder.
At the top of the file are the lines that look like this:
Increment the Number by 1 and save the file. Close the editor.
c.) Open up your Actinic again and it should mentioned that a change has been made to your PSP.
Best of,
Protx Support