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Product Fields

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    Product Fields


    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to import a .CSV with an additional field that will show up in the product description?

    My current CSV has the following fields:

    Section Text, Short Description, Full Description, Price, Product Reference, Can Be ordered online.

    I would like to add another field to the import so I can add an additional code number under the product description, but it has to be a seperate field because the initial CSV's are provided by the manufacturers and they will not have our order codes.

    Is this possible?

    Also, is it possible to print reports to an editable file rather that to the printer?

    Any help would be gratefully accepted.


    Also, is it possible to print reports to an editable file rather that to the printer?
    I have a product that exports to RTF format which is editable. See for more details.

    Alternatively you could set up some sort of text printer on your computer and print to that.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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      Hmmm... A tricky one. Just the kind I like. Since you're using Flat File it's not easy. The only way I can think of at the moment is to use the "Detail Link text" for your additional data and an additional field "Detail URL or File" which has to be preset to a dummy URL (same one for all products is fine). Then you edit out the link generating code in Act_prodcutLine.html. E.g:-


      Leaving only the NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTLINKTEXT in use which can be moved around in that template to suit.

      Here's an example CSV file I tried:-
      Section Text, Short Description, Full Description, Price, Product Reference, Can Be ordered online, Detail URL or File, Detail Link Text	
      "",Thing,This is a thing,123,TH-123,1,,Well Well

      Of course this is a pain if you want to use the Information Link feature. However this can easily be reinstated by additional HTML in the product description if you really need the odd link. E.g:-

      !!<<a href=>This is a real link</a>>!!


      P.S. Another possibility is to use the "Price Text" field but this is only expanded on the Act_ProductPrice.html template (as NETQUOTEVAR:PRICEPROMPT). You could hard code in "Price:" there instead and move that prompt to the beginning of the template so it would appear just after the product description. I've not tested this and it may not be useful if you're using Business and have multiple prices per product. You can always try it and see.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks very much for your help Norman, it works great!!


          Originally posted by Jan
          I have a product that exports to RTF format which is editable. See for more details.

          Alternatively you could set up some sort of text printer on your computer and print to that.

          Thanks for the reply, I 've looked at your site, but I'm not sure if it will solve my dilema.

          What I would like to be able to do, is export all products within the catalog to a file which I can then edit to produce a Product price list for customers. Basically along the same lines as can be printed using "Reports - Reports Selection - Catalog-Summary".

          It would save me a lot of time if I could use the base data direct from Catalog, rather than having to start from scratch.


            If you have Acess 2000 onwards then you can open the ActinicCatalog.mdb database and use it's report writing facilities. Products details are helsd in the Products table. This won't let you do a section by section list unless you do some more coding as the Sections list is a different Table.

            Jan's original idea re printing the Actinic report to a text file and then editing that may also do the job. It's no too difficult to add a text file dummy printer to Windows. Just use the Add Printer wizard and choose "Generic" as the manufacturer and "FILE" as the port.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Originally posted by NormanRouxel
              If you have Acess 2000 onwards then you can open the ActinicCatalog.mdb database and use it's report writing facilities. Products details are helsd in the Products table. This won't let you do a section by section list unless you do some more coding as the Sections list is a different Table.

              Jan's original idea re printing the Actinic report to a text file and then editing that may also do the job. It's no too difficult to add a text file dummy printer to Windows. Just use the Add Printer wizard and choose "Generic" as the manufacturer and "FILE" as the port.

              I use Office XP, so I'll give that a go.



