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Actinic Content Tree - EXPAND ALL

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    Actinic Content Tree - EXPAND ALL

    Is there a way to expand the entire Actinic Content Tree - Everything even down to the attribute choices?

    The Reason I need to is because if I perform a search, Choices are not found if they are not expanded.


    Hi Matt,

    The Content Tree is controlled in the registry. I know a way of collaping them all, but not expanding them. I will see if there is a way to do this, and put the solution on this thread.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Matt

      I have been doing some testing on 7.0.5, and created a choice with my name. I have collapsed all sections and make sure that i select a brochure fragement.
      Now if i go to "Edit | Find" in Actinic and type in my name, Actinic can find it. I have done some testing with other words and they seem ok. It does not need the choices to be expanded for the search to pick up a choice name.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Hi Matt,

        I'm afraid there is no way of expanding all the content tree, even within the registry. It is not possible to do.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          It would be very useful to have a feature in a future version that allows the sorting of the content tree by alphabetical order, by title or ref number...



            I will add this to the wish list for you.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Originally posted by AJReading
              It would be very useful to have a feature in a future version that allows the sorting of the content tree by alphabetical order, by title or ref number...
              While you are waiting for this feature to be added to the main product, you could use my sorting tool to do it. You can find a free trial and more details at the URL below :


              Note : that any changes made would be permanent so if you wanted to use these features to look at data offline in various different ways, this would not be suitable.

              Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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                Content Tree - Registry Control


                Where can control of the Actinic Business Content Tree be found in the Registry?

                I am asking because for the last 6 months, mine has been stuck in a rut! It always opens with the same Brochure and "Shop" Fragments expanded and it's now becoming quite tiresome amending this 'view' and re-positioning the cursor to where I left off, etc., each and every time we come to implement a little bit of design. As a matter of interest, the same thing happens after a Site Snapshot is performed, whether or not Actinic is actually closed down and re-opened at that time.

                The other long-standing 'issue' with Actinic-specific defaults we have is with printers: the Invoice and Shipping Details are retaining the Actinic PDF printer instead of the last (physical) printer used and/or selected.

                Any help appreciated ... but I would really like to know where to find the Actinic Registry entries for controlling layout, etc.

                Cheers ...

                <B>Steve Crane</B>


                  Hi Steve,

                  The registry key is held in
                  If you close Actinic, open the registry and delete the key - TreeState, close it and reopen Actinic, a new 'TreeState' key will be generated. If you are running on the latest version, then you would also need to delete the key

                  Please remember when you import a snapshot, you are also importing a registry that was taken at that time. Therefore it could be reintroducing an old problem. Simply deleting the keys i have written above should help you

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Thanks, Nadeem, but therein may lie the problem - I have no such entry "TreeState"!

                    What should it look like? Perhaps if I create an outline Regsitry entry, then Actinic will attempt to populate it? At the moment, there's not even a branch present, let alone any detailed entries!

                    Cheers ...

                    <B>Steve Crane</B>


                      Hi Steve,

                      If you highlight 'Site1' or your Site folder in the registry, on the righthand side there should be a key for 'TreeState'. By the way what version are you running?

                      Here is an attachment of what my registry would look like once i have highlighted the "Site1" folder on the left hand side. See the right hand side and you will see the red line where 'TreeState' is.

                      Kind Regards
                      Attached Files
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        Nadeem, sorry ... but there is not one!

                        The only entry for "TreeState", if I perform a Registry search (Keys, Value and Data, full or partial searches), is for one related to Windows Media Player, certainly not Actinic!

                        So, can I recreate one?

                        <B>Steve Crane</B>


                          Hi Steve,

                          Strange, please tell me are you on 7.0.1 or 7.0.2? There was a bug which was fixed in the latest version concerning the registry. I believe it was found in 7.0.2 and fixed in 7.0.3. Please see the following thread.

                          I would not recommend in recreating the key within the registry, i would recommend on upgrading instead. Please take a backup beforehand.

                          Kind Regards
                          Nadeem Rasool
                          SellerDeck Development



                            7.0.3 FBIA.

                            <B>Steve Crane</B>


                              Hi Steve,

                              Mmm i would suggest in registering a support ticket or contact Tech Support and pass them this thread. They would ask for the registry entries, so you might need to export them.

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

