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Long list on catalogue page

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    Long list on catalogue page


    I am using Actinic Catalogue V7 (Curves Theme) As the site has progressed the Catalogue has gone from having approx 6 titles to about 16. I feel it is now a problem as it is not possible to view the whole list without a fair bit of scrolling down. Is there any way around this? Is it possible to have 3 lists side by side instead of 1 very long one. Any help appreciated, but please bear in mind I am no webbuilder and so my html knowledge is basic.

    If you are talking about the listing of sections in the main 'central' content area, then you can change the number of columns to display the sections per row at the Design | Options level...

    If you mean products within a section, then you would need to look at multiple products per row patches, i.e. manual patches to the templates which will allow for multiple products per row, for which a search of the forum on that search term will bring up quite a few threads on the subject of how to achieve it...


      Originally posted by Support@Techno-
      If you are talking about the listing of sections in the main 'central' content area, then you can change the number of columns to display the sections per row at the Design | Options level...

      If you mean products within a section, then you would need to look at multiple products per row patches, i.e. manual patches to the templates which will allow for multiple products per row, for which a search of the forum on that search term will bring up quite a few threads on the subject of how to achieve it...
      I am talking about the listing of sections in the main area. What do I have to chenge in the Design/Options level..?


        Try this,

        Hi Novice,

        I am a novice as well, so no come back on my help, (ha)! but I have just completed the very same thing as you increasing the number of section images per view by listing them in columns, in my example 3 wide.

        #1 Create a multi-column layout
        On the section in question, goto,
        Layout > Location and Arrangement of Section Lists > Override Default Settings, (check the box), and 'Enter the First Row Column Count', and 'Subsequent Row Column Count'.

        Try 3 or even 4, up to you. Or mix the first and subsequent rows, sometimes useful if you want a Fragment header, (say 2 wide), and then sections under neath (say 4 wide). you with me ?

        #2 Modify your Section Images
        You will have to modify the size of the images so that they fit the width of your window, recommend 760px. Example if you have a 4 wide window, then clearly your images cant be 200px wide, else it will be 800px, so try 100px and experiment a bit before you comit to generating loads of images

        #3 Modify Your Section Image Layout
        And also you may wish to modify the layout of the section image, as Image with text left of text right creates width, and you might want a stacked layout, i.e. image on top of title, etc etc. Go to;

        Layout > Section Link Layout > Image Only - no text shown

        Again this is an idea, and you can EDIT and modify this layout, to suit you, but you will need a bit of HTML awareness.

        Try one thing at a time, if you get stuck give us a shout, Simon.
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          Hi Simon,
          Thanks for the reply which I will use for my sections, but what I really want to change is the page where the shop contents are listed.


            Im not sure if i completely understand you but as far as im aware your trying to change the display of the main section links to somthing like whats used at

            If that is the case you must go to "Design" > "Options" and select the "Sections" tab.

            Please view the attatched screenshot...

            Once the Options window is open and your viewing the Sections tab, enter the information shown in the screenshot (in the red box) and give it a try. This should set your main page links in three columns.

            Hope this is what you meant.
            Attached Files

