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Upload Problem

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    Upload Problem

    I've put the Actinic v7 on my home computer to do some work on it and have also put it on the shop computer, using snapshots to transfer information between the two machines. All was working well until I obtained Actinic shared SSL. I applied the SSL settings to my home computer and refreshed the website - all works fine, downloads OK. I now export the site to a snapshot and take the snapshot into the shop and import it onto the shop machine. All well again, site appears on the screen OK. If I try to download orders from the shop machine, I get an error message:

    "The server scripts are incompatible with this version of Actinic. Refresh the website. Server version = 7FBLA, Client version = 7FEVA"

    Anybody any the wiser out there???? I don't want to refresh the website from the shop in case I mess something up.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    do a forum search on "server scripts incompabible"

    its a common error



      I had the same problem last week, when I was trying to download orders at my clients office using the snapshot from my home office, here is how i resolved it:-

      1- backup your site using snapshot.
      2- I upgraded home computer to actinic V7.0.05 JBA(get it from download on actinic website)
      3- after updating, I refereshed the entire website again, took the new snapshot to the clients office. The best way to do this is go to help - troubleshoot, right at the bottom there is website purge & referesh click on it & follow instructions.
      4. at the clients office, I did the same thing to his actinic copy i,e upgraded so both the version were V7.0.05 JBA.

      it worked fine, I was able to download orders, give it a try & any probs give me shout!


        Thanks everyone - I'll give it a go on Monday.


          In theory you should suspend online ordering before uploading again ... although few of us ever do you should at least download and clear any orders and do a site upload straight away.

          Be aware that the snapshot may not catch all modifications to files so best taking a complete copy of the Site1 folder before you start... even though Actinic will create a backup of the old site and append the folder with the old file version during upgrade... better safe than sorry!

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

