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How to display product reference with the product details?

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    How to display product reference with the product details?

    I think this should be easy but I can't find a way to do it...

    How can I display the Product Reference together with the product details.

    I think it will be NETQUOTEVARISPLAYPRODUCTREF but I can't get it to work. Act_ProductBody just shows NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBULK - but I want the product reference in the 'BULK' as well.

    Another couple of related questions:
    Does the product reference get displayed/captured with the order?
    And, is the product reference searched as part of the standard quick search?



    I'll answer your second point first as it will probably make your first point unnecessary.

    2) The product reference is displayed and passed to the order if you go to View / Business Settings / Options and uncheck Auto Generate Product References. Now you should see product reference against each product.

    1) Some Netquotevars only make sense within certain templates. The Product reference ones only work in Product Templates (e.g Act_ProductLine.html). They'd be meaningless in Act_ProductBody which could contain many products, each laid out via Product Templates.

    There's also an additional NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE that displays the raw product ref (without any additional text around it). Again you have to use this in a Product Template.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman - just what I wanted, I thought I'd seen it somewhere.

      Just another quickie (I'v yet to upload and test) - is the Prod Ref searched as part of the quick search?



        Yes - he product ref can be search against under the quick search option... not at an Actinic PC at the moment so cannot quite remember if this is switchable under the search settings... but just done a product ref search on one of my sites and it picked it up fine

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

