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Restricting shipping to the UK - a solution!

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    Restricting shipping to the UK - a solution!

    Dear All,

    I have read on this forum about various problems that people have for restricting the drop down boxes at checkout for those that want to ship only in the UK, but want to be able to calculate shipping based on value or quantity etc.

    I'm not sure if this is the best or the only way, but it seems to work!

    1. Ensure that you have Tax set to simple in Business Settings
    2. In Shipping and Handling (again in Business Settings) select the shipping method and set up costing in the normal way.
    3. In Design|Text go to the "Shipping and Tax" section under "Web Site cont" and change the text in the Country box to "We only deliver to the UK"
    4. Now in the same section select the "Shipping Destination" its quite near the bottom and delete the text and leave it blank.
    5. Now go to the Advanced|Locations menu and delete the row "None of the above" by selecting it and right clicking.

    If you now upload your site you should see at the first checkout screen it has removed the drop down boxes and highlighted in red that you only ship to the UK.

    Hope this helps others,


    Fantastic! This has just solved my problem perfectly.

    Thank you so much Paul for a great solution.

    from Fiona


      Good workaround.



