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Methed to find where the temp for file is?

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    Methed to find where the temp for file is?

    is there a quick method of finding out exactly which file you should be editing for say a side box to insert a pic, ideal if you could right click propety's, or something,
    is template manager the only way coz i find it difficult to find the right files here its like a foreign language i can speak a few words but im buggered if i can understand what others are saying all the time....
    Gary Simpson
    Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

    I'm afraid its the template manager and the learning curve


      If you have Dreamweaver you can install the Actinic plugin, uncheck the "compact html" option in Actinic and then open a previewd page in Dreamweaver ... that will show you which template is creating what on the page.

      If it is a side box you are looking at it is probably the Act_Primary template.

      Other than that it is as Jo says just time and experience to fully understand which templates do what

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

