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Coupon Upsell Free Product

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    Coupon Upsell Free Product


    Various parts of this issue have been mentioned in plenty of threads (apologies therefore if there is a thread that answers this) but nothing that quite hits the mark.

    My catalog is one selling a combination of Digital Download products (Powerpoint Templates) and Literature (Books). On the books side i have one book as two products. One you can purchase without the accompanying CD Rom and one that you can purchase with the CD-ROM.

    My client has asked if when purchasing the book without the CD-ROM you can then be presented with a Coupon Entry at checkout stage. On entering a valid code this would trigger the "extra" free product which in essence is the CD-ROM for free.

    I really am unsure as to the best way to handle this and would greatly appreciate any assistance.



    You would create a new product group (View | Product Groups) and just add in the 'book without cd' product. The you can create a 'cart content' discount (Business/Developer only) that only applies to this one product. The CD would also have to be set up as a separate product so it can be added to the basket.

    The 'coupon code' entry at checkout will always be present. It cannot be dynamically shown/hidden depending on whether there is a discount applied to a product added to the cart. Also, when would you let your customers know the 'coupon code' to enter? If you show it on the product itself then why would your customers ever buy the book with the cd?


      RE: Coupon Upsell Free Product

      Hi Tracey,

      Thanks for the reply. That seems pretty much along the lines of what i was thinking. I really just needed to know if this could be done without having to have a separte product for the "Free CD". I assume that the "Free CD" product would be visible in the catalog? (i.e. no way to make it invisible to browsers).

      Say for instance if i had the "Book without CD" in a product group for the Coupon discount but didn't physically have a product for the "Free CD" would the fact that the customer has entered a valid coupon code be present in the order documentation sent to the Vendor? My thinking being all the vendor really needs to know is wether they've entered a valid code they can then package the "Book without CD" product with a CD when they send the goods.

      Regarding how the "Coupon Code" the vendor is going to be doing a mailshot which contains the relevant code so they will know what code to enter when prompted.




        My thinking being all the vendor really needs to know is wether they've entered a valid code they can then package the "Book without CD" product with a CD when they send the goods.
        I guess that if you do not have any other discounts set up that require a coupon code, instead of using this feature you could use one of the 'User Definable' fields in the checkout to ask for the 'coupon code'. You can get to those through 'Design | Text | Website (con't) tab'. There is at least one on every sub-tab depending on where you want it to show in the checkout process. That way, the code will come through with the order but there would then be no need for a CD product to be added to the basket but be aware that the customer will also not see anything in their basket to show that they are getting a free CD.

        I assume that the "Free CD" product would be visible in the catalog? (i.e. no way to make it invisible to browsers).
        If you add the CD product to the catalogue then it will be visible. However, you could put it into it's own section and then create a section template that is blank so nothing appears for it online. If you are using the javascript to display your section list on the left side of the screen then it will still appear under here unless you put it at a sub-section level that does not get displayed (I hope this is clear enough).


          RE: Coupon Upsell Free Product


          Thanks for the quick response. That all seems pretty clear to me. Both options seem pretty valid ways to go about it. I'll implement and let you know how i get on.

          Many thanks for your assistance!

