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Froogle data export leading to nasty 'read-only flag' message...

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    Froogle data export leading to nasty 'read-only flag' message...


    I was wondering if anybody else has received the following message when attempting to perform a data feed export to Froogle?:

    C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents is read only. Would you like Actinic to disable the read-only flag?

    The first time I did the froogle data feed, it worked fine and saved as a text file, but this message appears now when I try to update the data feed. None of my folders are set to read-only, so I have no idea why this is happening.

    Up to now I have been clicking 'No' in response to the message above, and hence nothing gets saved. Does anyone know what the implications of clicking 'Yes' would be, or indeed why this message appears. I certainly don't want Actinic altering any folder settings without my permission.

    Cheers, Paul


    By default the My Documents file has a 'Read Only' attribute, right click on the folder and select 'properties', then click on the 'General' tab and you should see the attributes at the bottom. Can you check to see if the data file is saved as read only? If so changing the attributes for the particular file should solve the problem. Actinic will not change the permissions on files of its own will but will correct the read only tag for the file you are trying to update once you have allowed it to do so.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce,

      Yes you're right, I see that the folders are set to read-only by default. Never noticed that before.
      The reason I thought it was odd was that the first time I exported the Froogle feed the message didn't crop up at all. It was only on subsequent attempts to update the data feed that the read-only message popped up. If there is no danger of Actinic changing file permissions by itself, then I'll go ahead and allow it to disable the read-only flag.

      Thanks for your help




        There is no danger and you can go ahead with allowing Actinic to disable the read only flag.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

