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Opening external URLs in a new window

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    Opening external URLs in a new window

    Hi all,

    I run Actinic catalog
    I would like to open external links in a new window. However, when I find the appropriate html page and enter target="_blank" and generate the page, it reverts to target="_self". I expect there is a variable somewhere that changes this when generated. Could anyone please advise on how I can go about handling this, as I would like customers to remain on my site while referencing to another site.

    Many thanks.


    Where are you entering the target="_blank" code?

    The code you enter in your page where you want the link to appear should read similar to

    <a href="" target="_blank">Try this</a>
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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      Originally posted by wjcampbe
      Where are you entering the target="_blank" code?

      The code you enter in your page where you want the link to appear should read similar to

      <a href="" target="_blank">Try this</a>
      Hi Bill,

      That's exactly what I have done. I have created a Brochure page called "Recommended Links". I open the file recommended_links.html and insert target="_blank" after the target URL, as above. When I preview it in Microsoft FrontPage, it works as expected. However, when I preview it in Actinic or Upload it to my site, the URL doesn't open in a new window. On checking the source, I find that it has reverted to Target="_self".

      I suspect there is a default "Target" set somewhere, as all links seem to re-use the existing window. Has any one else come across this issue?



        Are you editing the code in the finished page or under Actinic in the brochure page? If you don't edit inside Actinic in the brochure fragment or text area etc then each time you preview or upload Actinic will simply overwrite what it has been given to create the new HTML page

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I have been editing the finished page, as I am unable to find anywhere within Actinic, where I can specify that the link opens in a new window. I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.




            In your brochure page add in a new fragment - this can be text only, text and title or text and image etc ....

            In the text area use the following code as per Bill's suggestion above

            !!<<a href="" target="_blank">Try this</a>>!!
            Note the preceeding !!< and trailing >!! which Actinic uses to know the text is actually HTML and not plain text

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Thanks a billion!!!
              I was unaware you could pass HTML code to actinic that way. That will come quite handy. Thanks again.


                Yep - you can use it in about 95% of the various places in Actinic - some areas will not allow it and some don't need the !!< and >!! .. case of trial and error but the vast majority of the time it works fine

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

