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Showing delivery details

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    Showing delivery details


    I am trying to find a method of displaying the customers delivery details on the Act_Order02 page. At present this only happens if they select the option to ship to an alternative address.

    The reason this is a problem is that i use a PSP for processing transactions and therefore have no need for any of the information, apart from the cart, on the order02 page to be visible. I therefore want to show the customers delivery details on this page so that they can check them and also they shall fill out the space and not make the page a waste of time with nothing more than back, cancel and next buttons on it.

    I am told that it should be possible to take them from the customers actinic cookie, however i wouldn't know how to do this so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    If someone does know how to grab the info and display it, using cookies or not, i can foresee a further problem being that these delivery details should only be displayed if the customer chooses not to ship to a different address from their billing address. If they do want a different shipping address these details are not necessary.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,





    I dont think this is possible but have put it across to the development team to take a look at. Will get back when I hear from them.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Can you tell me what version of Actinic you are on please. I have a solution for you, but have it in v7.0.5. Do let me know and I will upload the files for you.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Hi Bruce,

        I have version 7.0.4, is this solution compatible? If so could you give some more info on it.

        Thank you for your help so far,




          Hi Guy,

          I have amended the solution for v7.0.4. Please download the attached zip file and replace the files within, Act_Orcer02.html and for the ones you have in your Site1 folder. I would suggest renaming the files you have in your Site1 folder and then extracting these files to your Site1. Update your site and let me know if it does the job for you.

          Kind regards,
          Attached Files
          Bruce King


            Hi Bruce,

            Just uploaded your fix and it works perfectly. Thank you so much, its made the whole checkout process look a heck of alot better.

            Can i recommend that you guys make this a feature of Actinic for everyone as i can't see a situation where this won't prove useful.

            Cheers again dude,




              Hey again Bruce,

              I've just been playing around a bit more with your fix and have noticed something. It's not a big problem but it seems that when you don't ship to a different address it doesn't pass the county across. Do you find this same problem? If so can it be sorted?





                Hi Guy,

                This works for me on a default site. We may need to take a look at a snapshot to see if the shipping settings are what is causing the info not to pass over.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Hi Bruce,

                  If you need to see a site snapshot could you provide me with your e-mail so i can send it through to you. The County passes through to my PSP ok so i imagine its only a small fix which is necessary.





                    Hi Bruce,

                    I've playing around with this fix abit more and have tried using it on a clean test site. I still find the same problem occurs with the county not being passed through correctly.

                    The county field i am finding acts a little differently to the other fields, it seems that when on either the order1 or order2 page if any details are entered incorrectly upon the error message being displayed all the fields are filled in apart from the county field. It seems likely that the two problems are connected somehow.

                    I further tested this on other Actinic sites and have found this problem is universal. It seems that there is a slight fault within Actinic which is causing the county field to act differently to all the others.

                    If you still need a site snapshot let me know where to send it.





                      Having a look at it for you... *County/State/Province* is validated when you progress to next page. If the page contains any error then this field is filled with *default value*

                      For example If you select "United States" or "Canada" then you are prompted to select state. You can select a state in first checkout page ( Act_Order00). This *state* value is displayed in invoice/delivery details page as default value

                      For the countries that don't have states defined for example "United Kingdom" the default value is *empty*unless a county is defined in Advanced | Locations. If you use the United States as a country and select a state, then even on an error the page still retains the information.

                      Kind regards
                      Bruce King


                        I am looking at moving the Delivery Address input from the Payments page to beneath the Invoice Address input area - shown if the "ship to other address" box is ticked.

                        Is this as simple as moving the table from Order02 to Order01 or is there something else I need to be aware of (unable to test live at the moment).

                        Reason being that people are getting confused with the checkout procedure and if they need it shipping elsewhere I believe it would be better appearing on the same page as the invoice address and not so far down the line.

                        Jont v7.0.4

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Hi Jont,

                          I actually looked into this myself when trying to deal with the problem above. I had a chat with a couple of people in Actinic's technical support team and the answer i got was that currently its not possible to do what your refering to.

                          I then went away and decided the best thing to do would be to add a bar into the top of the checkout which gives the customer a reference for the stage they are at. Then by implementing the solution that Bruce has come up with you can have a delivery screen with content whichever delivery option the customer selects.

                          If you do however find a way of implementing the delivery details into the Order01 template please post the solution here as i'd be interested in it myself.



                            Thanks for the update Guy. Had considered having a "you are at this position in the checkout" showing across the top.

                            How did you label the stage with delivery details and payments? Seems a very strange place to have the delivery address in with the payments!

                            Customers are so very easily confused with all the different shopping carts out there and avoiding abandoned carts has to be a prime focus.

                            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

