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Splitting large sections into 1, 2, 3 pages ..

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    Splitting large sections into 1, 2, 3 pages ..

    I have searched for this through the threads as I am sure dozen's have done it already, but got lost a bit on the way....

    I have a section, SubSect1.html, with 32 sub sections, and due to page loading issues, want to split this section down without creating another tier of subsections, but by creating a Page1, Page 2, Page 3, etc off this Section.

    >> SubSect1_Page1.html > SubSect1_Page2.html > SubSect1_Page3.html
    >> SubSect2_Page1.html
    >> SubSect3_Page1.html > SubSect3_Page2.html
    >> SubSect4_Page1.html


    #1 SubSect1_Page2.html, SubSect1_Page3.html, (and all similar page 2's and 3's, etc) are not seen in the ParentSection.html

    #2 There is a LINK on SubSect1_Page1.html to go to SubSect1_Page2/Page3 etc...

    #3 Not all subsections will need multiple pages.

    Already tried a few things, but not getting it?

    Cheers, Simon.
    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
    ... download once use as many times as you like !

    Tried some stuff, still not quite there >

    Just an update on this issue.

    I have created some pages and manage to link between them using Fragments.

    But the second and third pages still show on the Parent Section page which is silly.

    How can I remove a Section Link in the Parent Section, and still leave the Section in tact for page to page referencing.

    Cheers, Simon.
    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
    ... download once use as many times as you like !


      Still no luck ....

      Anyone know anything about this ?

      Stop one of many sections showing on the parent section listing ?
      Someone tell me its just a tick box away ???

      Cheers, Simon.
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
      ... download once use as many times as you like !


        In shorthand - I am at the wrong PC so this is from memory. On the parent section page, layout tab, bottom - Section list placement - override - none.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Tried that but ....

          Hi Bill,

          Tried this but what happens is, the Section, (page2 for example), actually loses its list of subsections as opposed to effecting its listing in its Parent.

          It sounds like it should work?

          What do you think, Simon?

          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
          ... download once use as many times as you like !


            Sorry - I obviously don't understand what you want to do.

            I understood the setup as
            1. Your catalog page lists all your top level sections ONLY.
            2. You navigate to a section page.
            3. You have a text fragment with hard coded links OR Prev / Next link leading to sub section page(s) and you do not want the sub-sections to appear in the navigation.

            In the section page - tick none in the section list placement section of the layout tab.

            4. You follow your text/Next link to a subsection page and you do not want the section lists to display - in the subsection page tick none in the section list placement section of the layout tab.

            Can you screen shot the actinic catalog tree with the branches expanded and use actual names from the screen shot to illustrate what you want to see?
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              It sounds harder than it actually is ....

              Hi Bill,

              Thanks for staying with me on this one.

              Have a look at the screen shot.

              The sub-section FIRE EXIT ROUTES BSi is too big, so I wanted to split it down into 3 sections. Hence;

              FIRE EXIT ROUTES BSi
              FIRE EXIT ROUTES BSi P2
              FIRE EXIT ROUTES BSi P3

              I have added a Fragment to each page to navigate between them. I have 'hard coded' this linking using !<< >>! tags, (i think it was the only way). This works great.

              However P2 and P3 show on the page Safe Condition, as normal sub sections would, but I don't want them to ?

              See the second attachment, you would not expect to see P2 and P3 in any normal section listing. You would only see FIRE EXIT ROUTES BSi.

              Make sense, Simon.
              Attached Files
              your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
              ... download once use as many times as you like !




                It is working correctly. Your page 2 and page 3 are at the same level as page 1.

                To have these NOT show in the Safe Condition section list, use drag and drop to move first P3 and then P2 onto the Fire Exit Routes BSi page.

                This will make them sub-sections of the first page and remove them from the Safe Condition section list.
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                  But know .....

                  That seems obvious, but thats not right either as now I have a section that should be at the same level as an other section but as a sub-section to it ?

                  Yes this solves one problem but bounces the very same problem to another section ?

                  See the attached.

                  Cheers, Simon.
                  Attached Files
                  your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                  ... download once use as many times as you like !



                    Then you solution is to add a new section page as a header and make all three current section pages sub sections of that page. So you will end up with
                    Safe conditions
                    |---- Fire Exit Routes BSi
                    |               |------ Fire Exit Routes BSi P1
                    |               |----- Fire Exit Routes BSi P2
                    |               |______Fire Exit Routes BSi P3
                    |---- Next section
                    Only one link will show on Safe Conditions

                    Three links will show on Fire Exit Routes BSi
                    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                      Not another tier ....

                      Hi Bill,

                      I didn't want to create a further tier of subsections.
                      I already have a lot of section levels and i want to avoid having another one. Its already taking about 4/5 clicks just to see a Product!

                      And that is illogical anyway.

                      If you open a "holiday brochure" and want to look at pages for Crete, you don't see Crete P1, Crete P2, Crete P3 listed in the contents page?

                      You just see 'Crete', and if its 10 pages long, the next section 'Corfu', starts 10 pages on.... you know what I mean!

                      There must be a way ?

                      HTML Code:
                      Safe conditions
                      |-- Fire Exit Routes BSi -- Fire Exit Routes BSi P2 -- Fire Exit Routes BSi P3
                      |-- Next section
                      HTML Code:
                      Holiday Destinations
                      |-- Crete..................... page 1
                      |-- Corfu..................... page11
                      I need a holiday, Simon.
                      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                      ... download once use as many times as you like !



                        Originally posted by simonwar
                        And that is illogical anyway.

                        If you open a "holiday brochure" and want to look at pages for Crete, you don't see Crete P1, Crete P2, Crete P3 listed in the contents page?

                        You just see 'Crete', and if its 10 pages long, the next section 'Corfu', starts 10 pages on.... you know what I mean!
                        It is logical to Actinic alas ... even though you have renamed the sections (pages) to page 1 page, 2 page, page 3 etc they are still the child to the main section and will show ..

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Maybe its not possible ?


                          It feels like this is not possible. If it were i would have had the answer by now.

                          I am now faced with the following options:

                          1) long section lists,
                          2) introducing a new tier of section levels,
                          3) generating the P2, P3 sections and then copying them in DW, remove them from Actinic and then manually adding them back in later.

                          OK, thanks for all of the help.

                          Maybe Actinic V7.06 will have a Checkbox on its Layout Tab, something like.

                          Do not show in Parent Section
                          Who do we notify with recommendations ?

                          What do you think, Simon.
                          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                          ... download once use as many times as you like !



                            Solved would you believe it ....

                            This thread started ages ago and I was left with no solution.

                            Alas, I have a solution, its simple, and was staring me in the face, and some of you other folks... oh so near yet so far ..... and all that!

                            So if anyone else out there wants to create subsection pages the same way as I wanted to to reduce page upload times, for example, here goes.

                            For example
                            Say you have a Product e.g. Table Lamps, of which there are 50 varieties.
                            Having all 50 on one page will increase page size, i.e. an image of about 3k will soon add up to 150k, just on product images.

                            So, split onto 5 subsections, but don't create another tier of 5 subsections, just add another 4 sections at the same level, as follows.

                            Section Table Lamps P1 (contains 10 products)
                            Section Table Lamps P2 (contains 10 products)
                            Section Table Lamps P3 (contains 10 products)
                            Section Table Lamps P4 (contains 10 products)
                            Section Table Lamps P5 (contains 10 products)

                            To avoid the undesirable effect of having 5 similar sections in the Parent section, which this will normally produce, simply "Hide in Website", sections P2 to P4.

                            However, run a Preview/Site with the pages shown, to initially create the html pages, and then turn them off re-running. The html pages are NOT overwritten... brilliant!

                            Then simply add a fragment to each page setting up the links to the other pages. The easiest way is to us !!< >!! tags in the Fragment text box, and manually set up the links, as Actinic will thow up errors if you use [LINK], e.g

                            HTML Code:
                            <a href="../PreviewHTML/Table Lamps_P2.html">(2)</a>
                            <a href="../PreviewHTML/Table Lamps_P3.html">(3)</a>
                            <a href="../PreviewHTML/Table Lamps_P4.html">(4)</a>
                            <a href="../PreviewHTML/Table Lamps_P5.html">(5)</a>
                            Remember to take out /PreviewHTML when your good and ready, as this wont run in a live site, and Actinic cannot detect these links inside !!< >!! tags.

                            Have a go, it works spot on, making for a much cleaner and clicker site.

                            If I missed something let me know, just had to tell you.

                            (P.S. If you already knew this....... where have you been)
                            your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                            ... download once use as many times as you like !



                              Have you tried this on a live site rather than just Previewing?

                              I think that Actinic will silently delete any pages that are no longer intended to be on the server.


                              I just tried this and Actinic will definitely delete any "Hide on Web Site" pages from the server as soon as you do an Update. This is what it's meant to do in order to stop a server becoming clogged with expired pages, images, etc.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

