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Controlling the Bounce page

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    Controlling the Bounce page

    I want to control where the bounce page takes me to as follows:
    When I shop from the cart it goes back to the top level sections - that is OK

    But I also have buy buttons on my non actinic front end - when you confirm the cart it bounces back to this page, which is to be expected - can I make it bounce back to the top level sections page as above under these circumstances.

    If this is not possible is it easy to add a "View Cart" button to a non Actinic front page - do I just copy he code from a actinic page - and what scripts do I need to add to the header.

    the site it is on has just been upgraded from ver 5 to ver 7 - my client thinks what he wants worked in ver 5 but is not 100% sure.

    David Cunningham
    ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


    If you have copy of the Advanced User Guide ( Downloadable here ), take a look on page 45 'Adding to Cart from anywhere on the Internet' and that should do it for you.

    It is as follows..

    The following URL shows you the format to follow to add a product to the cart from anywhere on the Internet.
    The SID parameter should be the section ID of the section where the product can be found. You can figure out the exact SID by checking the HTML source of the product page (look for <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SID" VALUE="xxx"> where xxx will be the section ID).
    The Q_ parameter informs the script about the product reference and the quantity. The product reference is the (CGI encoded) string prefixed by Q_ while the quantity is the parameter value (prod ref is 7, qty is 5 in the above example).
    If you are adding from outside the 'acatalog' folder, then ensure you add
    onto the end of the URL.
    Obviously this works only for products where components, attributes, date or other info prompts are not used. However these more complex products can also be added to the cart on similar way but more parameters are required (check the HTML source of your product page for hidden input parameters to see what else required in these cases).
    The result of this script call may vary depending on the "Shopping mode" setting of the section where the product is located. E.g. if your product is located in a section where "Quantity on Product Page" shopping mode is used then using this link the product will be added to the cart and a bounce page will drop you back to the last used shop page, but if the shopping mode is "Quantity in Shopping Cart" then the cart will be displayed clicking on the link.
    Note that this solution is not supported by Actinic Software therefore you should use this at your own risk.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Thanks Bruce

      We are already adding items to the cart from non Actinic pages so are using a method simislar to what you describe. But our pproblem is that we want to keep the buyer inthe actinic driven site once the cart is added to - ideally the shop-home page (top level sections) - But,juts to complicate things, if the buyer adds to the cart from the Actinic shop pages themselves we want them to return to that page, as curretly happens.

      I suspect that this is probably not possible but "if you don'y ask you don't get".

      I think we will have to revert to adding a link to the shopping basket and checkout from the non actinic pages so when a buyer is returned they have the option, as they have in the shop, to go straight to the Shopping Cart or to Checkout

      Thanks again your you response
      David Cunningham
      ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)

