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Problem downloading order

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    Problem downloading order

    I've just had an email notification from Worldpay that there had been an order on my site. However I didn't get my usual Actinic Notification of new order email.

    I did a download orders, and nothing came through.

    Is there any way I can get this order, - first time this has happened - seems very strange.

    Any ideas?


    Kathy Newman

    This gets more weird!

    I contacted the customer and asked them what they had ordered, they told me a cat activity center - however worldpay receipt was for £50 and this particular activity centre is on special offer at the moment at £44.99 - and NO WHERE on my site does it appear at £50.00.

    I asked if she could replace the order which she did. Again got the Worldpay notification, but no actinic email, and again no order was there to download.

    Is it possible that she has had this paged cached on her pc, and gone back to it and been able to order it at full price - even though it doesn't appear on our site today at that price?

    Can now process the order as I've got all the details, but am very curious as to what is happening here!

    Any ideas?

    Kathy Newman


      Have you moved websites recently? It could be she is looking at an old site because she has searched on a search engine that has your old site indexed.

      The only time I have heard of this happening is when people place orders on our test server after the store has moved to a different domain. This happens when a search engine like google has spidered their site on the test server but not spidered the new site.

