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Help, invisible text in basket, going live soon

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    Help, invisible text in basket, going live soon

    In my basket the text is white on light grey and is almost invisible. I can't change the colours globally or it screws everything else up.

    I have hardcoded most items but this one line is really being a pain -


    According to the Advanced Guide this is the product name & link so it is obviously a link off to some code elsewhere rather than just a text label - and that code is overriding my hard coded colour!

    The guide also rather unhelpfully states that I can change some of it in Design|text|website|html but gives no reference on what to change... and if you look in there it's just a bunch of random html with no guide as to what is what...

    Can someone let me know where I can edit the code or change that colour?


    You seem to have overcome the issue with the display in the basket. Checked the site and it looks fine. Do let us know if it is resolved as I checked the discount-aromatheraphy site.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      No, it's not that site. I have fixed it though, by changing the background colour, it's not an ideal solution (dark blue on black with white text...) but it will do for launch - i will change it later.

      So I would still like to know how to do this... I just need to know how/where the code for NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME is so I can edit it.



        You will have to look in Act_ShoppingCartXML.html and code in the font tags around NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME here.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          that's exactly what i did, but the variable is resolving to html code elsewhere and overriding the font tags. I need to get the font tags within the href tags but i don't know where they are...



            You need to make a change in the "" file. Open the file using an editor like notepad.
            - Search for 'sub GenerateShoppingCartLines'.
            - Then search for HREF

            This will take you to the following line
            - my $sProdLinkFormat = "<A HREF=\"$::g_sSearchScript?PRODREF=%s&NOLOGIN=1\">%s</A>";

            Insert your font tags here.

            If you do not want the hyperlink to appear here on the product name so that a person cannot click back to the product ( Just a thought sine I am here now )

            - Comment out the line with a # at the beginning of the line

            At the same point insert the line...
            - my $sProdLinkFormat = "<!-- %s -->%s";
            (The first %s is just the internal product ID used as a target to the search script. Do not remove it or the Product ID will appear as the Product Name.)
            Save the file, upload your site and try it out.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              yep, that's what I was looking for - thanks!

