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SSL Cert Expired!!! And cart/checkout bringing up OLD pages.

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    SSL Cert Expired!!! And cart/checkout bringing up OLD pages.

    Where do I start!!

    OK, we received a email from a customer yesterday saying that when she went through our checkout, at the stage where our web site forwards through to our shared ssl (provided via actinic) she receives a message dialogue (attached).

    This says that the site IS secure but that there is a problem with the certificate, that it has expired or is not yet valid.

    Also it was using a EXTREMELY OLD (over 2 years) template for the page that forwards you to the SLL.

    To try and resolve this problem we did a total refresh of the site. I decided that we should go with the new redesign that I jhave been making over the past few months, which technically is 100% finished, but asthetically only about 80% (let me know what you thjink :P).

    This made no difference what so ever.

    I contacted customer support. I spoke to a helpful chap, although to be completly honest he did not know his arse from his elbow.. =/ (no offence)

    I reinstalled the sharedssl update, twice, and did a full refresh, twice, to no effect.

    got in contact with support again, they checked .ini files on my machine, checked my ID, still no joy.

    Went in to troubleshooting, and did a 'website purge and refresh', selected to delete perl files and restore from original folder and delete cat and fil files. After a long wait still no joy. although now more old pages are popping up. the page you get after you have added a product to the cart has reverted back to a page that is older than me!

    ok, so I decided to change the script ID from 5 to 2, and again I did a full refresh, and deleted perl, cat and fil files again. again a long wait, again no joy.

    I really beleive that this is a problem on actinics side, maybe they simply 'forgot' to renew our certificate!?!? They seem to thing that it is a problem with the 'OAP' page that has risen from the crypt of our web server. In theory I agree it is a possibility, but as they can not explain to me where this page is coming from and why, Im sceptical.

    Im not slagging off actinic support, dont get me worng, the service is on this forum, and the majority of the time over the phone, is second to none, but it annoys me that instead of being honest and saying: "well I really do not know, hang on a sec I'll try and get someone who does" they give u a faux solution and leaving you to waste an hour trying it is a bit annoying on a Friday afternoon.

    We have lost almost £5000 in sales 2 days in a row now since this problem has arrisen. Its scaring customers who have conacted us, as they think the site is not secure and do not want to put their details over the internet. Potentially we could lose alot of sales over the weekend as from 3pm this afternoon (Saturday) untill 8:30 monday morning the phones are unmanned.

    I would really appreciate any opinions or experiences similar to this problem.#

    And please excuse my 'pissyness', I'm just under pressure to get this fixed. Although I really do not see what I can do from here.

    MANY thanks in advance,

    Ben Parsons
    Attached Files

    Hi Ben,

    sorry not an answer to the above but have just looked at the new site and FireFox is thowing up 3 errors on the home page - which appear to be the preload images from the cross sell plug in. Not sure if you are already aware of this but thought worth pointing out.

    The 10% off banner certainly grabs the attention and I like the new images with the drop shadow - looks very good

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Lo all,

      Turns out that the problem laid with actinic!

      I would like to thank the guys at Techno-Web for mailing me to offer me tempory use of their sharred ssl, which works like a dream. Seriously guys I can't thank you enough, If it wasnt for you I probably woulda worked many more than 85 hours last week!!!

      I would also like to reccomend them as ssl providers to anyone looking to get one or change from their existing provider. I have now subscribed for the year safe in the knowledge that if anything does go wrong, there is someone there able to help.

      Cheers again Techno Web,

      And Thanks for your comments jont, they have been noted.


