I've ploughed through the help & this forum but I can't see any way to do it... can you really not search orders by an email address? The number or emails I get fomr customers who havn't inclided an ordernumber, address or even their full name is staggering, and pretty much the only thing I have any hope of getting an exact match on is thier email address!
If this isn't a feature (hopefully I've just missed it) can we get it wish-listed as it would be very useful when dealing with customers of thier first email (even if they ahve been rther coy whith who exactly they are) rather than having to kick back the enquiry & ask for more info!
If this isn't a feature (hopefully I've just missed it) can we get it wish-listed as it would be very useful when dealing with customers of thier first email (even if they ahve been rther coy whith who exactly they are) rather than having to kick back the enquiry & ask for more info!