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How to Change Links in the Top Nav?

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    How to Change Links in the Top Nav?

    Where do I go to change links globally in the top nav?
    Seems like a simple thing but I cant find where to do it !?!

    The link images and text used in the main shopping pages nav are located within Design | Options | Navigation tab...

    Hope that is what you are after.


      Thanks, but I want to change the link itself .. ie which page it goes to. Not just the text or image. Where do I do this, please?


        If you want to add your own links to the top nav, then you would need to manually add those within the templates, which you would need to conduct within the Act_Header template and next to the NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE I believe tag, which is what positions all of the header images and the like... so, some manual HTML needed to create your own links..

        If you checkout the Advanced User Guide on the Actinic website (download) section, that covers a lot of more bespoke changes like this one, which might help you along the way.


          Thanks but that still doesnt sort our prob ...I'll explain the whole issue ...are you sitting comfortably? then I'll begin ...
          OUr site is at
          The 'products' button in the top nav on the opening page takes you to ".../acatalog/shop.html" but the 'products' button in the top nav on the more info page ( takes you to ".../acatalog/index.html". It looks like the same page but is not. We have no idea how this has happened!?! Can you explain?
          How can I make the top nav consistent?



            Did not realise what you meant earlier in that case, as this is links going to different places as opposed to changing them or adding new ones...

            Afraid did not make much headway in finding why as your site is linking to for some elements and then for other elements.... You may need to look at your network file settings if this is not supposed to be the case, which may just sort out any glitches with uploading of files and the connections they move onto...


              In Design | Options - check your settings on the Site default and Miscellaneous tabs.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Cheers for looking.
                Rang support - sorted!


                  Originally posted by truetools
                  Cheers for looking.
                  Rang support - sorted!
                  do tell ?

                  Am looking at this thread to try and solve same problem... feel like sharing?



                    You will need to Design | Options | Site Defaults and check what you have for 'Base Page Name', if it is index.html, then you will have to ftp to your server and delete the 'shop.html' page. Once done, do a complete refresh of the site and that should sort it out.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King

