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Redesign: Opinions...

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    Redesign: Opinions...

    Hello all,

    I went live with the redesigned bathroomexpress web site on friday, and minus a few niggles (not theme related, problems with ssl!) technically the site seems to be working fine.

    I have a list of things to address over the next few days, but was wondering if you guys could have a look and let me know what ya think. If you spot any problems, chances are I know that they are there, but either havent got round to sorting them yet, or simply dont know how too...

    The content has hardly changed from the old site, qand will be changing constantly over the next few weeks to fit in better with the new site. And I need to redo the home page, which was schedueled for friday afternoon, but due tgo the problems I didnt get round to it.

    Thanks for your time,


    I would set the 10% graphic to turn off after 3 showings it is very big and distracting.

    I would also think about having the first page in columns there's a lot of sections there and I found as I scrolled down have I lost touch of the full picture. It can be abit overwhelming to have to keep scrolling up and down to find the section you want.

    I would take a look at improving the search feature of the site too.- with such a large product range you need to help people to find things.

    I did a search on "bath" and got 1126 results.

    Norman has a nice script which adds a thumnail image to the searchresults it could be worth looking at this.


      pinbrook, cheers for your opinions,

      the columns are work in progress, on the old site there was 2 columns, but as we have so many products, and i have so little time, I am relying on the other members of staff to shorten the descriptions down for me, but keep all the keywords, when this is done I can place them into columns.

      I dont know if Im doin somthing wrong or not, but when one descripotion is considerably longer than the one before or after it, it misaligns everything. Id rather it be neat and long, than messy and short (for the mean time)

      I really haventy got time to fart atm =/

      also when you are looking at the site do a print preview (more relevant in IE) and let me know what you think of the CSS printing I went through sooooooo much stress to get working. =]

      don;t think I am dismissing your comments, im saving them all in a .txt file and will go through when I have time =D

      Oh, and Jan, The difference between the cleanser and sanitiser is the Sanitiser is designed to sterilise the pipework after each use if required, where as the Cleanser is designed for periodic use, about every six weeks, to clear out any deposits of soap etc. - Hope this answers your question. RT

