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Free Product

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    Free Product


    We sell specialist music CDs and track downloads from our site
    I'm trying to find a way to offer a free download track to encourage visitors to the site. I can do it as a link on a product - and they can just click to download etc - however what I'd like to do is get there contact details and make them tick a box agreeing the terms and conditions of using the track before they can download it. You can't do this with Actinic without them having to enter credit card details etc even if the product is a £0.0 cost! Apparently it is a feature on the wish list.

    Could anyone help me with designing a pop up page to get a few details and then let them download the track. Any programmers want to quote for sorting this out for me?


    YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.

    couldnt you just add a link to a seperate T&Cs to it on the index.htm (a simple html page that is not generated by actinic) or as a fragment on a page, and then the download link after they have accepted. would be useful if you make the customer input their email address before the download.

    2 reasons for this:

    1) build up a nice list of customers that you can send mail shots too, if you state that by accepting T&Cs they give permision to receive them.

    and 2) you could maybe find a script that would limit downloads to 1 per email address.




      Yeap tht all sounds good - but I'm after some help creating these html pages - any advice? Bit of a novice with html...


      YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.


        get your self to ond get your self trials of dreamweaver and fireworks.

        just play around, at some point you are going to have to learn how to use them, so why not do it now.

        they seem very over whelming at first but once you crack the surface they very simple to pick up.

        we could do some work for you no problem, but to be honest unless you really can not do it your self, I think you should try to do it your self.

        email me what you want exactly and ill do ya a quote (



          I really don't have time to start learning Dreamweaver...

          All I want and am prepared to pay for - is someone to set me up some code to run a form on a Unix server to just get some informnation and then let them go to a page of free downloads. There must be someone out there who could do that in about 5 mins surely?!

          YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.


            Originally posted by YoPo Music
            You can't do this with Actinic without them having to enter credit card details etc even if the product is a £0.0 cost!
            I don't think that is true generally, I send out free paper samples every day they have a cost of 0. Digital download distribution is limited to payments made by credit card however, so maybe that is the restriction.

            The simplest solution would be to add a link to your order received email and to your final checkout page with the link to the download. If that is not enought then Norman Rouxel has a solution on his website called something like 'Poor man's Digital Download' on his site ( that gives you another way of doing this.

            Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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              Yeap that is the restriction - Actinic are aware of it -but as of yet no way of doing it within Actinic.
              YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.


                Hi is this what you want?
                all you need to do now is put your text in the box. save it as html and upload it to your site
                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
                <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
                <html xmlns="">
                <title>Untitled Document</title>
                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

                <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td align="center" valign="middle"><table width="75%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#0033CC">
                <td height="34"><img src="" width="226" height="32" /></td>
                <td height="24">edit this page in note pad to insert your text the box
                will stretch hieght wise<br />
                good luck

                //four foot and clean// multimedia design and interactive video//


                  Thanks David,

                  I don't understand what you have sent me...?

                  What I'm after is....:

                  I run a site using Actinic Business. (
                  I am looking for some help to develop this site a bit further. Specifically I want to set up a page where people can fill in a form to receive some FREE downloads (at the moment there is no way to do this on Actinic which is extremely odd)

                  I want to develop some pages where anyone wanting to download a FREE track would have to agree our T&C and fill out their details/email etc first - then be redirected to a download page - a URL they couldn't just jump to.
                  Also a page on the home page where visitors can subscribe to a newsletter - and also apply to have an account. Is this something you could help us with?


                  YoPo Music - the UK non-MCPS buyout production music library.


                    ah sorry must of miss-read what you needed i thought you only wanted to have a basic html page to link to externally with your terms and conditions inside it. Are you using any email marketing softwear ie cooler mail as I know from use of cooler mail that they offer free scripts to place on your site which updates your email database and collects customer data ( I wont pimp it any more but its a useful email marketing tool.)

                    mind you from what Im understanding there wouldnt be too much "hard core" programing involved all I think you'd need to do would be to link externally to this terms and conditions page and when its been agreed to link it to the Free download page. Im not sure where abouts on actinic you could hide it so its not visable in your main catalog.

                    One way could be to provide them after acceptance of your terms and conditions with a coupon code that allows them to choose from the free down loads and get them for free if they enter the coupon code during the checkout process.
                    Last edited by davidfromvision; 18-Oct-2005, 12:28 PM. Reason: re-read the post
                    //four foot and clean// multimedia design and interactive video//


                      Hi Jono,

                      you should be able to create what you are looking for yourself with a few steps.

                      1. create a link from a product or brochure fragment to a new HTML page, this could be a pop-up window... this new page will be the online form for name and address etc... call it "online_form.htm"

                      2. you will need to check with your ISP on the use of a formmail script. This is a script used to handle the online form and send through to you. Most ISP's will also have a working example for you to modify. You can use either Notepad or any web application such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage etc to create the form and call it "online_form.htm". If you do not have ascript supplied by the ISP do a web search for formmail as there are plenty of free eaxamples out there. You can have a tick box to agree to the T&C

                      3. the script should have the facility to redirect to a confirmation page once the form has been submitted successfully. Set the redirect page to link through to your sample download page .. call it "samples_page.htm"

                      4. the "samples_page.htm" just needs to be a basic HTML page with a link to your sample track eg:

                      <a href="">Download Sample 1 here</a>]
                      You will then receive an email with the users names and details on. Validating the scripts can be an issue as they could simply enter "aaasdjkhkjh" in the name and address fields to gain access and you do not have a valid name and address for your database.

                      You can take it further by integrating into a SQL sever database so details are added automatically but this is much more advanced.

                      As Ben suggests download a trial version (30 days is more than enough) of Dreamweaver and simply work in WYSIWYG mode and it will do most of the hard work in the background for you.


                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

