If all my html files are on the cgi server then thats ok. But if I want to put my html files are on the homepages server not my cgi server (homepages.force9.net) then the path is different. Can any body help me with the path.
Yes with force9 you have two servers one for cgi scripts and one for standard webb pages.
This is the reply that I get from force9 when the question is asked.
Q). Do the http server host and ftp server host each see a different map
of the directory structure?
A). If all your html files are on the cgi server then the map structure is the same, if your html files are on the homepages server (homepages.force9.net) then the path is different. You may need to contact support@actinic.com if you are putting your html files on homepages server.
You might be able to change the references within the mdb databse and setup 2 to make acatalog into cgi-bin maybe, so that everything goes into the same folder, but strange that you have to have html on one server and cgi on another. Maybe a few years back, but nowadays...