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Import large databases

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    Import large databases

    We are users of v5 which works fairly well, but have one major flaw.

    Has this flaw been fixed in v7 or will it be?

    On a monthly basis our product database of 4,000 items needs to be rebuilt based on numerous product changes. In order to do that we have to manually build the section and subsections and then drag the line items into the respective folders. This is a day long dreaded task, and cries out for automation. We use a flat file import, to do the base import but the drag and drop is still manual.

    We use an Excel sheet for price manipulation after the rebuild.

    1 Has this been fixed in V7 or soon to be v8?
    2 Are there any third party utilities to do this monthly nightmare job?


    Importing sections and sub-sections into the catalog using a spreadsheet is possible with v7 of the software. You can download trial version of the software from the Actinic website and try it out. With v7 you will not have to upgrade the existing version to v7 to trial the software as v7 will allow you to install it as a seperate application. Once done take a look in
    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7 \Sites\Site1\Common and you will see sample import files that you can use.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

