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Snapshot runtime error

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    Snapshot runtime error

    I am getting the following error everytime i try to create a snapshot.

    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

    Runtime Error!
    Program c:\program files\actinic v7\catalog.exe
    This application has asked the runtime to terminate in an unusual way.

    Any one any ideas?

    Also my site went live yesterday and i think its very slow to load the pages.... Could you see if its slow for you too and let me know.

    Thank you
    Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
    Cookie Cutters
    Cake Decorating Supplies
    Chocolate Making Equipment

    A lot of problems can be solved by going into housekeeping and compact the database

    The site is very very very slow to load and i am only on 512 k BB
    Chris Ashdown


      Thanks Chris
      I must say i'm very disappointed at the speed of the site. I can't see the point of having a nice site if it takes an eon to load. Its one of the primary factors that puts me off shopping.

      Any ideas on why it may be slow, i feel like i have done what i can, most pictures have been saved for the web, what else could i do or have done?

      Thanks for your time.
      Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
      Cookie Cutters
      Cake Decorating Supplies
      Chocolate Making Equipment


        Compact Database has worked a treat - cheers!
        Just another 10 problems to solve!
        Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
        Cookie Cutters
        Cake Decorating Supplies
        Chocolate Making Equipment


          I have run the web speed optimisation report, but the details are just a tad over my head.

          TOTAL_HTML - Congratulations, the total number of HTML files on this page (including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site optimization.

          TOTAL_OBJECTS - Warning! The total number of objects on this page is 46 - consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your external objects. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed display and minimize HTTP requests.

          TOTAL_IMAGES - Warning! The total number of images on this page is 43 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refine, and optimize your graphics. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed display and minimize HTTP requests.

          TOTAL_SIZE - Warning! The total size of this page is 269485 bytes, which will load in 53.71 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. Consider reducing total page size to less than 30K to achieve sub eight second response times on 56K connections. Pages over 100K exceed most attention thresholds at 56Kbps, even with feedback. Consider contacting us about our optimization services.

          TOTAL_SCRIPT - Congratulations, the total number of external script files on this page is 2 . External scripts are less reliably cached than CSS files so consider combining scripts into one, or even embedding them into high-traffic pages.

          HTML_SIZE - Caution. The total size of this HTML file is 22105 bytes, which is above 20K but below 100K. With a 10K ad and a logo this means that your page will load in over 8.6 seconds. Consider optimizing your HTML and eliminating unnecessary features. To give your users feedback, consider layering your page or using positioning to display useful content within the first two seconds.

          IMAGES_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your images is 239388 bytes, which is over 30K. Consider optimizing your images for size, combining them, and replacing graphic rollovers with CSS.

          SCRIPT_SIZE - Caution. The total size of your external scripts is 7992 bytes, which is above 4080 bytes and less than 8K. Consider optimizing your scripts and eliminating features to reduce this to a more reasonable size.

          MULTIM_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of all your external multimedia files is 0 bytes, which is less than 4K.

          Image sizes i will look at again, but out of all of this what 2 things would have the most impact on speed?

          A big thank you to anyone who has the time to comment.
          Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
          Cookie Cutters
          Cake Decorating Supplies
          Chocolate Making Equipment


            The biggest issue is IMAGES_SIZE whichis massive.. thereby adding to the TOTAL_SIZE .... a lot of people try to work to a max page size of about 50 - 100kb .... with 100kb being the absolute top end and beneath 50kb preferable.

            How are you creating the side boxes as these are showing at 21kb each box and with 7 boxes thats adding a lot to the page overhead?

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              web speed optimisation report?

              could you tell me where you go to generate this report, please?

              I searched on 'web speed optimisation report' in the help files etc but didn't get any results.

              Current install is v7.03 - is it something that is in 7.05?



                Hi Karl - that type of report is via a 3rd party - check out somewhere like

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  If only i was so clever that i had created the side boxes, alas these where created form me!

                  I do need to work on the image size, i was affraid to make the size too small as i thought the picture quality would suffer. I need to experiment in photoshop, I had been optimising them to 70% , in save for web but they obviously need to go much smaller.

                  Just part of this mammoth frustrating learning curve i guess
                  Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
                  Cookie Cutters
                  Cake Decorating Supplies
                  Chocolate Making Equipment


                    I looked at http://www.cakescookiesandcraftsshop...tmas_Shop.html

                    the images there are 99x100px and range from 9kb to 1.5 kb

                    I tend to aim for 4-5 kb for this size image so apart from the one image at 9kb, all the others on this page are fine.

                    I then clicked through to one of the products (one product per page ) the image was 14kb. Again fine.

                    as a rule of thumb -- Ie what I do

                    small images around the 100x100 px should be average 5kb

                    larger images when they are one product per page or extended info can be 15-25kb - depending on the detail required


                      Originally posted by jont
                      Hi Karl - that type of report is via a 3rd party - check out somewhere like
                      Currently we're using some long product pages - I'll check that out.



                        Something very strange happening around the side boxes - looks like it is the horizontal spacer creating the 21kb file sizes which considering the number of times it appears on the pages is making the page as big as is optimum before you start with the logo, text and products etc.

                        Try editing the Act_Primary.html template and removing the spacer (just have a gap between the boxes) and save as Act_PrimaryTEMP.html ... back in Actinic assign this layout to a temporary section and see what that does to the page overhead

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          For some reason you have 2 body tags and repeat the MM_image functions twice as well. Sorting that out should slim it up and might avoid confusing browsers, search engines etc.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            Thank you all so much for your imput, without your help i really wouldn't have known where the problems lie. If you ever want discount off a cookie cutter and can be bothered to wait half an hour for the page to load.....

                            I feel a little like a bunny rabbit in the middle of the M6 with it all, its so over my head but it has to be resolved or i feel i may as well pack up and go home for all the effort it takes to try and make a sale.

                            I have refered this thread back to my designer in the hope that they can interpret what you mean and make the site faster....

                            I've already had 2 customers tell me they like the site but wouldn't purchase due to its slow load up times.....
                            Cakes Cookies and Crafts Shop
                            Cookie Cutters
                            Cake Decorating Supplies
                            Chocolate Making Equipment

