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Editing PreviewHTML templates in MS FrontPage

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    Editing PreviewHTML templates in MS FrontPage


    I have no knowledge of Actinic or website creation (as I cheated and got someone to create it for me) and therefore I'm learning as I go along which has been at least a week now!
    The website is now live but I'm trying to make some urgent text changes to the site. I've been using MS FrontPage successfully to make simple changes to the templates found in the main site. When trying to edit pages found in the PreviewHTML folder though it appears I can edit and save the changes which preview correctly in IE, on entering Actinic the amendments are lost. There must be a simple explanation but I'm to simple to know it!

    Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this.


    The pages found in the PreviewHTML folder are just that - previews of the pages. Actinic works by compiling the info you enter in Actinic (product info, prices, company names etc) and merges these with various templates that you will find in the root of the Site1 folder such as Act_Primary.html , Act_productLine.html ... each template controls a specific part of the page and site. Any changes many to the preview pages are simply ignored by Actinic.

    Some text is also set up under Design | Text in Actinic.

    What text are you trying to change?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Change font type, size and colour

      Aahh thought so, the name gives it away really!! I can easily add/edit text in Actinic but not change the font type, size and colour for certain parts of the text - or can I ?

      Thanks for your immediate response by the way.



        The font types and sizes are again set in the Act_templates ... depending on which theme you are using these are probably referring to the actinic.css style sheet eg in the Act_productline.html which controls the product area you will see something like <span class="actregular"> ... you can change this for any value in the style sheet eg <span class="actsmall">.

        If you just want to apply a small localised change you can do this in say the product description area inside Actinic using

        !!<<b>bold text</b>>!!

        you can enter any style formatting as you would in Frontpage but you need to surround the HTML with !!< and >!! to tell Actinic it is HTML code and not raw text


        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

