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Site comments please

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    Site comments please

    I have taken onboard many of ur suggestions and made the ness changes.

    Could you please take a look and advise if anymore changes are ness

    Just few small things to rectify on this version, but comments gladly accepted.


    Would also like to know hpw to get the flash file working on the main special offers page

    What do i need to do to get that working? never used a swf file before!


      if you are listing products by manufacturer I'd use the manufacturers logo as the section image.

      And I'd have every product with an image, and more product info.

      I looked a the flymo trimmer section. If I knew what i was looking for and was going to buy from you because the price is the best I'd be ok. But if i wanted some info on the trimmer first I'd go elsewhere


        Thanks Jo, content/images is being provided by the guys i am doing this for.

        Was more interested in comments with the design, layout etc.

        With regards to the links from suppliers images, how do i link to the products each supplier has, as i currently have the catalog index by product type not by supplier????


          Originally posted by christchurch
          Would also like to know hpw to get the flash file working on the main special offers page

          What do i need to do to get that working? never used a swf file before!
          Does this work...?

          <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="400" height="300">
            <param name="movie" value="path/to/yout/file/autumn.swf">
            <param name=quality value=high>
            <embed src="path/to/yout/file/autumn.swf" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="300"></embed> 
          Change the height and width to suit your swf file... only thing I'm not sure about is whether the classid is unique to each file.. and hence unique to the swf file on one of my sites.

          but dont forget, not everyone has flash enabled when viewing, so ask yourself.. is it absolutely necessary ?


            Getting to the products can be a bit of a slog and may cause some people to look elsewhere. Eg the Professional Equipment range.. no mention on why it is professional, what are the features, why is it classes as professional. Clicking on Etesia brings up another sub-section (again with no product images to tell me what is ahead) ... clicking on walk behind I again confronted by more subsection lists with no images ... not being familiar with any of the ranges I have to random click on each of these new sections to find something I am looking for... clicking on the VIVA 41 range I am presented with a single product. If this is not the type of product I am looking for I would be seriously unhappy after all that clicking.

            Similarly Protective Clothing (same for pressure washers) clicks through to the EFCO subsection ... as this is the only product range in this section it needs another click to get to the Jackets, Trousers Hats etc. You really need to remove as many hurdles to finding the items as possible or users will look elsewhere.

            Once they get to the product more often than not there are no images and often very little to no information as Jo says. Eg why should I spend £80.00 more on a 1.8kw washer rather than the 1.5kw washer? What are the uses, applications, benefits of more pressure, what attachments does it have, can I buy extra hoses from you, do you also set washer fluid. Having optional components for say washer fluid or spare heads etc against eachproduct will help the up-sell no end.

            Don't mean to sound harsh... hopefully constructive comments you can take a look at if you wish.


            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              With regards to the links from suppliers images, how do i link to the products each supplier has, as i currently have the catalog index by product type not by supplier????
              I was refering to this level of section where it does seem to be manufacturer led


              it is also advisable to give the people who are commissioning you to do the site for them very clear instruction on how to create product descriptions. Otherwise they will be coming back to you in a few months saying why don't we get any sales or visitors.

              The design (for me) is a bit ordinary - probably because I spend all my time looking at actinic sites. You've used green so you are on the first step to ensuring your design fits the product range, but the site does nothing to entice me in. admitedy lawn mowers etc aren't the most exciting things in the world but I think I'd be too bored to buy.


                Jo, Jont, Hatticus

                Thanks for the comments, exactly what i was looking, I always find its better to be brutely honest and say what you think.

                I am in the process of getting County Mowers to update descriptions, images etc to make the 'wonderful world of mowers' sound more exciting.

                One question - how do i add my own Nav menu to the top of the page, been playing a bit but aint got hang of it? site does look boring without my own menu at top of page.

                Plenty of work for me to consider and I will be back for some more comments, soon.

                Thanks again



                  if you could create an image of the type of navigation you were thinking of, we will come up with some ideas for you.

                  glad you took the "too bored to buy" comment like a man!!



                    If you have a copy fo the Advanced Users Guide, downloadable here. You will find quite a bit of information on inserting individual navigation buttons. You could create your own images and reference them in Design | Options | Navigation.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King

