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Restricting shipping countries

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    Restricting shipping countries


    I’ve a scenario where I need to give users the ability to ship to addresses held on file (Customer Accounts) and for them to be able to enter new shipping addresses, however, they usually have to be in their own country. Currently, at Checkout, they are asked to ‘Select Shipping Destination’ where they receive a list of drop down countries (restricted to a list from Business Settings/Shipping & Handling/Shipping Bands/Zones I think) which means in theory they could ship to another country.

    What I want to do is just have defined Shipping Countries for the customers (can be managed through Customer Groups if possible). Also it can’t just be a single country as, in the case of Benelux, we allow a customer in the Netherlands to have something shipped to Belgium for example.

    Any ideas greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.


    If you have both Retail and Customer groups and wish to limit the countries to which the Customer Groups can ship products too, then I am afraid it is not possible using the current structure of the software. Shipping and Handling are treated globally over the site and cannot be limited to differintiate between the internet shopper ( retail ) and the Customer account holder.

    I will however run this by development to see if they can come up with something for you.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Like mentioned in the post above, restricting shipping locations on customer accounts is not possible.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King

