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Home page fragment layout

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    Home page fragment layout


    Whenever I create a new fragment on the Home page, it always follows the one fragment per line default (that I must have set up somewhere else) .. I cannae find the buttion that allows override of the default (as is possible with product sections in the catalog part)

    What I would like to achieve is something akin to...

    Home Page

    Row 1 >> 1 Fragment item Image only
    Row 2 >> 3 Fragment Items - Image with title
    Row 3 >> 1 Fragment Item - Text only

    Any quick pointers? or do I have to plow through advanced user guide etc at this stage ( am trying to avoid if dont have to )

    If you mean columns, you would have to build a table around the content in your fragment.

    If you really mean, as you say, that you want three different fragments laid out vertically below each other, just create the three fragments.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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      ouch that is horrifically clunky....

      I was looking for something similar to the override option when adding a section.... i.e. first row column count, subsequent row column counts. This option not available somewhere - - or can I create custom whatevers to make it happen?

      ( On a separate note... any one know whether there are plans to move towards a more CSS style based site rather than this huge nested table idea? )

      EDIT: I do mean rows.. maybe I'm missing spotting a button? I wanted row 1 to consist of 1 fragment and row 2 to consist of 3 fragments


        so am I right in thinking that If I create a table.. lets say 3 columns, one row.. and have customvars in each of the cell contents.. I can make it so that its easy enough to update/change the contents of the tables by updating the content of the customvars ? (if you see what I mean)


          Yes - CMV's are the way forward for quickly changing content. I link them through to an external HTML file (with the <html> <head> and <body> tags removed) created in Dreamweaver and simply change the file as and when to give greater creative layout.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            ok.. full steam on the case... thanks for pointers

            there an example one somewhere?


              Originally posted by Hatticus
              ( On a separate note... any one know whether there are plans to move towards a more CSS style based site rather than this huge nested table idea? )
              There is a CSS layout attached to one of the threads by Chris (cdicken) which may be taking a look at ... there is also a large ongoing thread by Myles (magicalwonders) who has been steadily stripping out various Actinic tables and other sundry bits and pieces.

              Modifying Actinic is possible to a large extent but somethings are just not possible. There is a slow and steady learning curve to getting things to work how you want them. The old addage walk before you run fits Actinic very nicely when it comes to tweaking and modifying - many of the long term users are still learning new things when a client requests something slightly different.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                yep.. copy that. I have a decent "enough" understanding of how css/html/php/mysql works.... jack of all trades master of none approach

                but know v little about acatalog and PERL....... yet, am also slowly stripping my way through these templates, so learning the structure as I go. I'll search for those threads.. thanks

                However, this first site is going to be a walking one.. no doubt about that!


                  now thats strange.. type customvar in help file.. and nothing immediately obvious comes up... .. nother 15 minutes wasted trolling around to find relevant bit


                    Hi there,

                    do you mean something like these actinic homepages...


                    If so let me know as I do these types of workarounds all the time.

                    Lee Jackson
                    Creative Director

                    Centurius Design & Marketing
                    Centurius Website
                    Portfolio of Work

