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+/- gone funky!

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    +/- gone funky!

    Hi Folks

    Any reason why the +/- on certain products would just stop working? I'm using one click ordering on most pages with the add to basket button at the bottom of the page.

    It's not on all products, on some pages it's only some products, on most pages it doesn't affect any products so it seems completely random.

    I only know about it as a couple of customers have reported it over the last few days so it seems completely out of the blue. Obviously if you just add the quantity required directly into the box that works, but most people just keep clicking away at the buttons and getting frustrated (and of course this doesn't fix the problem!).

    Any ideas why this would suddenly start happening and what I can do to fix it?

    TIA - Helen

    An URL of a problem page would help.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman

      Thanks for your response. One of the pages is here:

      Think I've narrowed it down a bit - all the products affected are duplicates! The top 5 products have the problem which are duplicates - in their original location they work fine. The products under these are OK, but in their duplicated positions they also have the same problem.

      All I've done with these is create the original product, right click and copy then "paste as duplicate" - have I done this wrong?

      Regards - Helen



        As an addendum to previous mail - see this page as well - all the products are duplicates created in the same manner, but strangely they don't have plus/minus boxes next to the quantity box. Customer just puts in number required, scrolls to bottom and adds to basket:

        I've checked several pages and there seems to be no obvious reason why some pages have the plus/minus and some don't - they're all single add to cart pages.

        We upgraded from v.6 cat to v.7 business about 2 months ago to make use of additional features such as product duplication. I thought maybe it might be affecting pages where there was a mix of products - i.e some stand alone, some with drop downs but so far I can only pinpoint products where they are all created the same - but behaving very differently!

        Thanks for your help - Regards - Helen


          Tried to look but doesn't seem to exist.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Ooer?! I've just tried clicking on the links given and they bring up the correct pages - plus orders are coming in too


              I don't think the +/- thing is standard to V7 I've got a feeling it is something we added for you to V6 - which will explain why it no longer works properly

              Norman is your man to sort out JS stuff.


                Hi Jo

                Blimey that's going back into the mists of time...... my mind has drawn a blank as to whether this was an tweak you did although the current problems would seem to point to this (cripes, that would have been when we upgraded from v.4 to v.6).

                It only seems to be causing problems on "old" pages (although not on the "old" products - only the duplicate ones) - pages created from scratch since the upgrade to v.7 appear to be OK and don't have the +/- buttons.

                Obviously we've only been able to use product duplication since upgrading to v.7 so I presume I can fix it by creating "new" pages and then dragging the products back in?

                Or is there a way of untweaking your tweak?!

                Regards - Helen


                  LOL - i've got the memory of an elephant!!

                  the simplest solution is to locate the template used by the old products and remove the +/- code.


                    Thanks Jo, I'll give it a go hopefully without breaking anything (I'll remember to do a back up first of course).

                    Regards - Helen


                      Got to your site after banging my router on the lid!!!

                      Now I see the problem. It's Actinic's incomplete implementation of NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE not returning the correct value for product duplicates. You'll find your code still works OK on standard products. I'll see if I can cook up a workaround.
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        Hi Norman

                        Now I'm confused - probably as confused as your router but please don't bang me on the lid It won't fix me - I guarantee it.

                        From what you've said does this mean the problem is something to do with the duplicates themselves, not Jo's original tweak? I don't like tinkering under the bonnet so if there's an easier fix, that would be grand!

                        Regards - Helen


                          Here it is.
                          Adding + / - buttons to your Product Quantities.
                          In your product template(s) replace
                          <input class="q_dec_button" type=button value="-" onClick="javascript:this.form.elements['Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE'].value--;">
                          <input class="q_dec_button" type=button value="+" onClick="javascript:this.form.elements['Q_NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE'].value++;">
                          <script language=JavaScript>
                          and in Act_Primary.html (and any other Primary Templates you use for products)
                          just above the </HEAD> line, add
                          <script language=JavaScript>
                          function plusminus(ref){
                            ref = ref.replace(/.*NAME="(.*)" SIZE=.*$/i, "$1");
                            document.write('<input class="q_dec_button" type=button value="-" onClick="javascript:var tf=this.form.elements[\'' + ref + '\']; if (tf.value > 0) tf.value--;">');
                            document.write('<input class="q_dec_button" type=button value="+" onClick="javascript:this.form.elements[\'' + ref + '\'].value++;">');
                          Major tweaks were needed to get around the unavailability of a Duplicate Product Reference NETQUOTEVAR

                          I've also added a bit where the - button has no effect if the product quantity is 0. Before, you could set it to invalid -1, -2, etc.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            From what you've said does this mean the problem is something to do with the duplicates themselves, not Jo's original tweak?
                            yes that is the an issue manifested by an upgrade


                              Right guys - I'm back at the website maintenance pc so time to give it a shot. Wish me luck...... I may be gone for some time.......!

                              Regards & thanks for your help - Helen

