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How to download orders with not network connection?

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    How to download orders with not network connection?

    Ok, long story short - the pc with actinic on has lost its adsl connection and for various reasons can't be fixed for a couple of days. In the mean time I see orders stacking up (ie. confirmation e-mails in my mailbox).

    What is the best way to keep getting the orders downloaded?

    1) Can I download files (which ones) from another PC and copy them accross to the actinic pc, then tell actinic where to find them?

    2) Can I install actinic on a temp PC, snapshot the site off my old pc to the temp pc, download from there, and snapshot back when my old pc is fixed?

    3) other...?



    From what I can remember, actinic has to download the orders itself, so the only way to get them into your existing setup would be to copy the orders onto your PC and then reconfigure your network settings so actinic thinks that's where your website is.

    It should be possible as you can configure actinic to run offline, but you may need to install ftp/http servers, etc as that's probably how actinic likes to toal to the web host.

    The other option of transaferring your actinic across to another PC and then transferring it back again afterwords might be easier.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Have you got a modem you can attach to the original PC to use a temp connection.


        yes, and a spare adsl modem - but the network connectivity service on my server is screwed - service won't start and hangs for ages if I try to select any existing connections. Can't create any local connections and a workaround would take longer than I have spare time, and screw up the config and it would take the same amount of time to 'unscrew' it that it's just not worth it. The adsl router was also my network hub, and my other hub/switch is still packed in a box somewhere (moved house)...

        A replacement adsl router is ordered and on the way... Just need a simple '1 day solution' to get sundays and todays orders downloaded.



          I would take a snapshot (burn it to CD?) then you can run the site on the 2nd PC using the snapshot data and reverse the process when the original PC gets fixed


            oh btw pinbrook, i think the dodgy router may have been why I though my site was really slow - it seems so much faster using my backup adsl modem...


              I had assumed that too!!

              But since you were badgering me about a ded server, we are in the throws of putting together a managed dedicated server package with the hsphere CP, it should come out at about £100 pm

