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actinic failing to send files ..

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    actinic failing to send files ..

    anyone have any ideas about this one?

    trying to update a site for a client, Actinic gets through it's check and send routine as far 'sending :' and just sits there... hitting cancel .. I get a 'Not Responding', which isn't very helpful.

    this site is unchanged from previously, when it worked just fine, uploaded several things last week without any problems at all.

    just attempted a 'refresh site' and the same thing happened at the '' stage ...

    any suggestions?


    Hi David,

    I had a very similar problem on a clients site recently. I transferred the snapshot on to their PC and clicked on Web | Refresh. It did go right through the upload process but gave an error on merging files and then the site crashed - none of the scripts appeared to be there!

    The way around it was to go to Help | Troubleshooting and click on the Website Purge and refresh button. You then get the option to delete and reload all the scripts.

    Even doing this all the .cat files and several of the .fil were locked and I had to go through and delete them manually before it would refresh.

    Once I had done this once for each PC that was going to make changes and upload the site it seems to be fine.

    Actinic support also told me that you need to use the Web Refresh button as opposed to the Upload button when transferring files from a different PC from that that originally uploaded the site as this causes the problems that I encountered!

    Hope this helps a bit!




      oooh .. bad to worse .. the site is now very poorly.

      I am checking the set up .. but it seems very odd that actinic dies at the point it is asked to upload anything.



        Can you use an ftp program to access the site folders and see what is actually being uploaded and/or overwritten?



          Also, if you run a test on the network setup do you get any errors?


            This type of error can occur due to some change in the PC's firewall or router.

            Check you have not had updates to either of these recently, and also check the proxy settings in "Advanced | Network Setup" as this may resolve this situation.

            There are other potential causes, but best to try one at a time.
            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

            SellerDeck Hosting
            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


              firstly, thanks very much to those that came up with various helpful suggestions. I am relieved to say it's now all working again and the site is back up and working after a couple of scary hours when it was very dead!

              what a complete waste of an afternoon! .. in the end it turned out to be some hic-cup in the network settings for the SSL server which, once corrected tested fine and off it went like nothing had happened. grind ..

              I can now look forward to my hair growing back.



                Well done David,

                I know what that panic feels like!!!!


