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Stock levels do not always decrement

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    Stock levels do not always decrement


    I have been Actinic V7 for several months now and one problem that has come up a few times is that when I go to pick stock I have sold out. I do a double check by checking how many I have sold from the reports section and it always confirms what I dont want - I have none left.

    If I check the stock within my store, I typically find that there is one product left.

    I beleive that I get this problem when an order does not go fully through (ie when payment not recieved). This is desptite confirming recipt of payment manually during the order processing.

    So, any thoughts on this? Any sequence of events needed when processing orders?



    Stock is decremented when you download an order from the website, but the website is not updated till the site is uploaded again from the PC, so it is necessary to do an upload after every order download.

    Your situation raises the question, what happens when order processing and site uploading are on separate machines?
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      I'm not so sure the stock is adjusted if you get a payment pending, in fact I am certain it dosn't. It definately adjusts it with a fraudulent payment, but cancelling the whole order puts it back.

      Have you looked at the stock control mole from Mole End-it is absolutely brilliant, you can set it to upload on every order, and it automatically adjust the maximum order quantity.

      It really solved all our stock problems in one go-try it, there is a free trial

      Are you using seperate machines?




        I receive a lot of orders through third party sites. I log onto them, retrieve customer details and process through the website.

        Its nothing to do with upoading stock, I have a good eye on it so know if its OOS, but within Actinic it still says I have 1 remaining. Its got to the point that I now pick stock before processing from the third party sites.

        I agree, I think it is to do with when an item is payment pending. Next time I get one, I will pay closer attention to the before and after position and report back..



          Ok, just processed an order from a third party site.

          Opened Actinic, 2 in stock
          Processed order via website, payment failed at checkout
          Downloaded incompleted order, received in Pending tab
          Confirmed payment received, shipped, printed
          Order moved into Completed
          Checked stock on hand, still 2

          Any thoughts. Looks like a manual decrement will be needed each time?



            Steve - what is your suspend quantity set at? What message do you get when the payment fails?

            I'm trying to understand if this is something that happens with any PSP pending order or only if you are at the suspend quantity.

            What Actinic version are you on?
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              Steve you really shouldn't be having this issue

              Once the payment has been received, the stock is adjusted on upload.

              Are you setting the maximum quantity on each item?

              That could be causing it as Actinic dosn't change it




                Warns at 1, suspends below 0. WHen I upload back, any products OOS are marked Out of Stock on screen and ability to order is removed.

                The error message is during the check out part with HSBC. Enter name and card details, confirm order, then it gets rejected for some reason. HSBC advise to contact merchant.

                I'll download orders, get the one with out the payment details, manually tick payment received and then process from there. No stock decrement at any time. When I upload, because no stock decremented it loads back up the initial quantity.

                Re maximum on any order, no, nothing set.

                Hope above info helps.


                  I have just manually completed a payment and it worked for me ok, but I am on 7.03 still.

                  Shouldn't your suspend orders be below 1, by using 0 oos items can still be ordered.



                    Sorry, default is 1.


                      Ok, final update...

                      If I receive an order which is payment pending, manually accept the payment, at that point the stock gets decremented. I can then ship the product.

                      If I receive an order which is payment pending, click ship and then manually accept the payment, the stock is NOT decremented.

                      I appreciate there should be a process (it makes sense to manually accept the payment prior to shipping), but if you do it the other way, surely stock should be decremented. At the very least it is a security measure (by that I mean you know what stock you really have).

                      Thats it from me on this subject!!


                        horrified that stock control is so hit and miss

                        Originally posted by Steven Barkess
                        Ok, final update...

                        If I receive an order which is payment pending, manually accept the payment, at that point the stock gets decremented. I can then ship the product.

                        If I receive an order which is payment pending, click ship and then manually accept the payment, the stock is NOT decremented.

                        I appreciate there should be a process (it makes sense to manually accept the payment prior to shipping), but if you do it the other way, surely stock should be decremented. At the very least it is a security measure (by that I mean you know what stock you really have).

                        Thats it from me on this subject!!
                        Is this the same in v7?
                        Pauline Walton
                        the towel that thinks it's a poncho


                          Stock control

                          Sorry - I've just realised that it is v7 we're talking about here. I am currently on v6 and about to instal v7.

                          On v6 I've tried to get the stock levels to change on an order which comes in pending. And nothing I do seems to do anything. And yet I know it does change and I know I have been uncertain about what happens.

                          Help! My warehouse is separate from me and I do rely on this. Surely it shouldn't be necessary to upload after every order?


                          Pauline Walton
                          the towel that thinks it's a poncho



                            I am afraid this is one of the limitations of Actinic's stock control. Since the online pages are static HTML and not Dynamic, it requires that you download and then upload for the stock quantities to be updated on the online store. If the Database was on the server then this would happen in real time, Actinic's Databse sits on your PC and so requires the upload.

                            Kind regards,
                            Bruce King


                              Thanks, Bruce.

                              Please can you describe how the updating works. It seems to me that the database gets updated on download.

                              Is it updated by transferring the new stock level or by a decrement?

                              Presumably, my upload will overwrite the info online. What happens if I upload just after someone has ordered, without realising?

                              Is there anywhere that this is explained in detail?


                              Pauline Walton
                              the towel that thinks it's a poncho

