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Site update

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    Site update

    Hi. I'm using Actinic locally do make the changes I need and to ensure that those changes are working. After making sure everything is working properly I'm updating the web site. If the site is indentical to the local site ( and if I make small template changes locally, then update the site locally, when I update the web site Actinic sends all the files (including images, digital downloads etc). This is taking hours so I was wandering is there any setting I missed or someway to go around this problem? I just want to upload the modified files (it says "update" isn't it ?). Thanks.

    It depends on which files you are modifying - if it is the Act_Primart template then this is the master file for just about every page on your site so each page will need to be reloaded again.

    I assume you are using "upload" and not a website "refresh"? A refresh would load everything which would take into account your images being loaded again

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I'm modifying Act_Primary, but why is it uploading digital downloads and product images too? They are the same!! And yes, I'm using "update", not "refresh". Is there any possibility that Actinic gets confused if I'm updating the same site in 2 different locations (local, web)? Or is it creating some log files with the update? Can I solve this problem or not? Thanks.


        There was a thread issue several months back (4 or 5 from memory) reagrding a similar issue with massive numbers of digital download files being uploaded - can't remember the outcome but worth doing a search to see if it is the same issue

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          So, no other suggestions?


            Are you sure that it is sendign up the digital download files with every update of the site or it looks like it is doing that? If you make changes to Act_Primary.html then Actinic will need to check each and every product page before it uploads it, the reason being you know exactly what you changed, bu the software does not and will chcek the existing file on teh web against what you have on teh PC and upload any changes made.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              Here's the thing: I update the web server, I modify Act_Primary.html and then I update the local server to see the changes. I accept the changes and then I update the web server. When I do that it uploads the DD. So, my conclusion is: if I change the Network Settings, instead of "Update" it makes a "Refresh". Why? How can I solve this?


                This is happening because Actinic needs to change the paths to all DD products to point to the files within the the DD folder residing on the web server as opposed to the earlier DD folder within the acatalog on Localhost. That is why the upload is taking place. I am checking with Development, if thay can find a way to prevent this from happening but do not think they are going to come back with much more.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  ok thanks a lot.


                    It looks like you are changing Network Settings to allow you to switch between a test server and the live one. Whenever you do this Actinic forces a refresh. I don't think there's a workaround.

                    However if you have a spare system, why not install Actinic on that, delete the Site1 and copy your Site1 over it. Now change the Netowrk settings to those you use for testing and only copy the changed Templates / settings back to the real Site1. Don't copy the entire Site folder back as you'll clobber Orders.

                    The above won't help with Product and other Content changes, just for design changes.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Actinic manages the acatalog folder on the server by keeping track of uploaded files (FileList table). Actinic determines changed files by generating each page and comparing it with the previously generated file. The new file is only saved on the PC if it has changed or a full refresh was requested.

                      Changing the network settings causes a full refresh because Actinic does
                      not know the state of the acatalog folder on the newly selected server and
                      every page would need to be uploaded anyway as the navigation links will
                      have changed.

                      Norman has given you the best alternative for the design changes.

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King


                        OK. Thanks a lot guys.

