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Keywords and Descriptions

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    Keywords and Descriptions

    Hi Again....

    I had a custom template built....

    However, there doesnt appear to be any keywords / description when uploaded to the net. Please advise, what actinic code is missing from the template..... I could go back to the developer but its quicker to ask on the Actinic community site. IS there a setting that isnt checked hence the meta tags not being uploaded on the pages?

    My google rankings are dropping fast because of the missing code... :-(

    Also in some of my Meta Name Description is coming up with some strange character codes e.g &#44.

    However, when I try to paste what the code im seeing from Internet explorer
    the characters are dropped.

    Is this anything to worry about?


    It sounds like you are missing:

    from the <HEAD> section of your primary templates.

    But your dropping of rankings is probably just to do with the fact that your site content has changed due to the redesign and google is in the process of re-indexing you under different keywords.



      I have the correct code in my templates. The reason why my site has dropped out of google is because the robots cant detect the following even though they appear to be in the source?

      Description: Found no description meta tag.
      The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider to add a description meta tag.

      Keywords: Found no keywords meta tag.
      The keyword meta tag is still used by some search engines. Consider to add a keyword meta tag.

      Robots: Found no robots meta tag.
      This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page.


        Hi Darren,

        several of pages I looked at did indeed show the keywords and description tags but you are not really making the most of them. Most are very poorly populated, some have typo's and some use repetitive words which may be flagging the spam filters.

        You can create your own robots.txt file and upload to the root of the webserver - do a search on here and also on the web for advice on what to include

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



          That maybe so, but if they are in the source then why arnt they being picked up in google?

          Thanks for your time


            they probably are being picked up by google, its the tool you are using to view keywords/descriptions that isn't working


              How are you generating the reports in your previous posting?

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Ive used a meta tag analyser....




                Both show the same results ?

                Then when I enter a friend of mine site it works fine

                Title: 71 Tripod UK,Website Design,Web Promotion,Successful Meta Tags,Web Hosting
                Description: 167 Tripod UK Ltd are Leading Internet Specialist providing a full range of services such as: Domain name registration, professional website design, unlimited web hosting
                Keywords: 75 Tripod UK,Website Design,Website Promotion,Successful Meta Tags,Web Hosting

                Meta tags analysis.
                Title: Title meta tag contains no errors.
                This tag contains 71 characters.

                Title relevancy to page content is excellent.
                The Title relevancy to page content is 100%.


                Description: Description meta tag contains no errors.
                This tag contains 167 characters.

                Description relevancy to page content is excellent.
                The Description relevancy to page content is 96%.


                Keywords: Keywords meta tag contains no errors.
                This tag contains 10 keywords and 75 characters.

                Keyword relevancy to page content is excellent.
                The keywords relevancy to page content is 100%.


                  Not sure if the syntax for the robots meta is correct which may be causing spidering issues. Correct syntax is

                  <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">

                  or best to remove and use robots.txt as most will look for this in the root of the directory.

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



                    I will put a robot.txt file on my server but thats not the issue. From my server logs i can see the gogglebot regularly visit my site but cant understand why analysers are claiming that there are no keywords or descriptions in my pages.

                    I would go back to the developer Grambian Web Wizards but dont feel I will get much.

                    When I look at my source code its just one long string of text, is there away of seperating this?


                      Originally posted by Faulkds
                      When I look at my source code its just one long string of text, is there away of seperating this?
                      That is the compacted code - it is written this way to keep the load size as small as possible.

                      To see all the code with spacing, the name of each Actinic Template file used etc, untick the Compact HTML/CGI option box within View | Business Settings.

                      As for the Meta tags, you have already received and honest, truthful and complete answer once - the product you are using to look at these tags is flawed - that is - not working/less than helpful/no good/crap.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        Last point first:

                        To make your site code mroe readable, turn off 'compact html/cgi' under design options>miscellaneous.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          Other point:

                          I can see your keywords meta tag on the section and product pages but not on your home page.

                          Looks to me like the netquotevar tag might be missing on your primary brochure page.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




                            Ok I will do that ....

                            I was told by a website marketing company that the SE's might not like the refences that actinic give when you untick the compact CGI stuff? Is this true or wouldnt it make a difference.

                            My concern is ive gone from 900 hits a day to 300 in less than two weeks...


                              Best to leave it compacted - the advice above was just to make it easier to read temporarily

                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

