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Font size & CSS not working

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    Font size & CSS not working

    Please help as my keyboard cant take much more pounding...

    I am editing the CSS in dreamweaver to change the font size and it is not taking the style, i have looked at other members posts about this and tried the suggestions, but to no avail.

    I have managed to change the font-family, but every time i reload the page in Actinic it returns to the default font size .

    I have even tried replacing the <span class="actxsmall"> tag with <span class="actregular"> and that previews fine, but when i refresh Actinic it returns to the default setting.

    I have searched & searched in actinic to change it, but its proving to be more time consuming than necassary.

    What am i missing?

    Hi Shane,

    sounds like you may be editing the generated pages in the SitePreview.html folder if Actinic is resorting back to the originals?

    Are you editing the actinic.css in the root of the site folder with the changes to the font sizes and font-family and also the main template eg Act_ProductLine.html again in the root of the site folder?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Ahh, excellent.

      I had the wrong actinic.css file open (doh!)

      Many thanks for opening my very tired eyes.


        Been there many a time

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

