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downgrading from 7.0.5 to 7.0.4

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    downgrading from 7.0.5 to 7.0.4

    How easy is it to do?
    I took snapshots before patching.. is it going to be a smooth process if I re-instal 7.0.4 and import the snapshots?
    7.0.5 has done something really freaky to my shipping and I don't have the time to deal with it alongside the PSP issues it's already causing me!!
    Anyone done a downgrade with no problems?
    Typical this happens at half term with both kids home!

    Hi Tracey

    If you took a snapshot of your 7.0.4 shop before the upgrade then you can re-install 7.0.4 (from and then re-import the snapshot and refresh the site.

    I would suggest, however, that you see whether you can fix the three problems. The Protx perl script issue is dealt with, from what I can see, and I have put suggestions for the CVV2 number at

    None of the things you are experiencing look like bugs - so they are very likely to be sortable. If you want, why not also register a support question at and see if they can unpick your shipping issues.

    In order to help you get the best support and responses, can I ask you to continue discussion about your specific problems here: We'll just use this thread for discussion of downgrading (if that's what you decide to do).


      no probs... I'm looking into fixing the patching issues... tbh, shouldn't a patch be straight-forward though?
      I mean, surely applying a patch *shouldn't* be affecting PSP templates and shipping calculations?
      I'll attempt to sort them 2morrow before downgrading (not least because I have to do 2 sites which is a PITA!)

