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Multiple emails ?

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    Multiple emails ?

    I've just had a customer complain that he's received multiple emails confirming his order with different prices in each one.

    His main concern was that his credit card might have been charged several times (it hasn't).

    He is on AOL and I've asked him to forward me the emails (he says he'll do it as soon as he gets home tonight). In the meantime has anyone come across something similar ? I've searched through the knowledge base without any success.

    I'm currently using 6.0.2. (thought I'd wait a week or two to make sure everythings settled down before I upgrade).


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


    Your customer must have got one email from Actinic (the receipt email) and one from your PSP (the payment confirmation).

    His confusion may have arisen from Actinic displaying the ex VAT prices before the inc VAT total, and the payment confirmation only showing the inc VAT total.


      From the description he gave me it was more like one for £44.77 and the other was for something like £88.

      He hasn't come back to me so I'm going to follow up and see if he can forward me the emails.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


