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Registration Button

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    Registration Button

    Hello all,
    I'm looking for some help with my site's customer registration. Presently it's set up as per actinics advanced manual where by the "registration" is an item which customer adds to basket, then their details are captured as they go through check out process and I then create a customer account for them.

    This seems a poor way of doing things to me and the advice I received from this forum was to create a custom form. This I have no idea how to do as I do not know actinic well enough.

    Is it possible to create a "Register" button that once clicked auto adds a registration product to basket and then takes customer to checkout?

    Creating the button and roll over button are no problem but how to complete the rest, I have no idea.

    Can anyone help please?
    ILUVM Wholesale Silver Jewellery


    You will have to go to the Advanced user Guide and check page 45 for the topic, Adding to cart from anywhere on the internet. You will have to play around with this to get it to work.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Thank you Bruce,
      I'll have a look at that.
      ILUVM Wholesale Silver Jewellery


        Thank you

        Tried it late last night, worked perfectly first time, thank you
        ILUVM Wholesale Silver Jewellery


          and me !!

          Hi RobK30,

          I looked at your site and thats exactly what i need to do..... how did you do it?

          At the moment i have a dummy product 'register now' button, but people are being caught in a loop, because after pressing it they are coming back to the same page, ( they're not reading the text that says got to checkout )

          On your site , the register for account button takes them straight to the checkout... great, but hoe did you do it.... I read the advanced guide page 45, but still couldnt make head nor tail of it....

          Please enlighten me.

          Arka Tribal Jewellery



            Hello Feemish

            Send me your site's url and I can work it out for you
            ILUVM Wholesale Silver Jewellery


              Registration Button


              I also had the same need, I came up with a check box, that the customer checks during the payment process, when they click on Register customer, I get a notice at the bottom of their order that says Register Customer with a box around it. you can take a look at it on my website, just ad an item to the basket, and go as far as the payment page, its been a while since I made the change but if you want I can backtrack and write down how I did it.

              but no making fun of my bland site, I'm still working on it.


              good luck



                hi rob,

                our website is;

                we bought a developers licence with a view to building a few wholesale fashion jewellery websites aimed at different sections of the market...
                As with most wholesale sites, we dont want unregistered customers seeing our prices, so this customer registration problem is quite annoying.


                Arka Tribal Jewellery



                  Cheers for your reply steve,

                  however we want customers to easily register for an account before they can view our prices...
                  Arka Tribal Jewellery



                    To be able to do that in one session is currently not possible with Actinic. Actinic runs static HTML pages and requires a download, then an upload once the account is created for it to be active.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King



                      Hi Bruce,

                      Yeah... I understand that.

                      I'm using the dummy product method of getting customers information to register.
                      My problem is that, some customers, (who cant read i presume) are clicking the 'register now' button, but they are not then going to the checkout. This is because after clicking the register now button, they are just directed back to the shop. They're not reading the text and are just pressing the register now button over and over again before emailing me to say its not working...
                      What i want is that once they have pressed the 'register now' button thay are sent straight to the checkout....
                      I cant work out how to do this,
                      Robk30 ( in this thread) seems to have sorted this out on his site

                      He's busy and i havnt heard back from him on how he achieved this.

                      Mark aka Feemish
                      Arka Tribal Jewellery


                        Did you try out my suggestion of using the Advanced Users Guide, page 45 to get the results you see on RobK30's site?

                        He used the same.

                        Kind regards,
                        Bruce King


                          page 45

                          Hi Bruce,

                          Yeah i have looked at this page, but it is a bit 'advanced' for me.

                          You said earlier in this thread that its the 'adding to cart from anywhere on the internet' section.
                          Is that the right solution to my problem?

                          I've been re reading it. Do I need to create my own button linked to the Url template given ? How and where do i create the button?

                          Arka Tribal Jewellery



                            You said earlier in this thread that its the 'adding to cart from anywhere on the internet' section.
                            Is that the right solution to my problem?
                            Yes, this is the solution.

                            You can create a button using MSPaint or any other graphic software. Once the button is created, you will need to hard code it into the template where you want it to appear and provide the link as described in the AUG. To get it to appear on the brochure pages you will have to add to Act_BrochurePrimary.html, for the catalog pages, Act_Primary.html . These files are in the Site1 folder which is available at C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1

                            Kind regards,
                            Bruce King


                              We're also looking for a good solution to this problem - Actinic's standard workaround is HORRIBLE and doesn't work if you've got a minimum order value set up!

                              We've looked into using a submit form to gather information but then of course you've got to manually set each account up.

                              A check box like Steve has utilised on check out seems the most streamlined method to us - after all, you've already got the commitment of one order so using this to automatically take the customer details to create an account seems far less effort and will probably get better results than allowing "open" account requests.

                              Here's the rub (isn't there always one that goes the wrong way!??). How do you manage this when you've got actinic split over two locations? We download orders at our warehouse (where the account requests will also come in if we use the "easy" check box solution), but then of course we update the website from another location which is where we'd need to upload the customer account information from (so back to the submit form and manual input again!!)

                              The two PCs do not need to be synchronised as we don't use actinic for order processing (and I couldn't imagine the time involved in passing snapshots back and forth every day!).

                              Have I hit yet another brick wall (again!!). Thoughts gratefully received!

